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About fagmobs

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    The Ride monologue

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  1. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    And you all have a studio and a demo?
  2. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    "Give us Mess and Jungle" "Stop sharing Heartbreak High we don't condone that"
  3. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    I like HH I think its cute and like really sounds her. I don't know if I would like it as an album track (and i doubt it will be on the next one), but I like the 80-90s pop sound and I would love her next album to have a sound like that
  4. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    Thats not technically an official shot from the True Romance photoshoot, it was a picture put up on instagram so it couldve been taken with her phone.
  5. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    Basically Uffie, Justice, and Phoenix inspired so like really dance but also really pop and kind of alternative I guess
  6. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    You're the One was always just bland for me. I think it's a bit better live because she puts some energy into it but like I find myself the entire song feeling this buildup that never amounts to anything but a lackluster chorus. The only part I really enjoy is the little outro. And I dont think the final of Set Me Free is as awful as everyone else thinks it is. I'll agree the demos were better but I like the album version too.
  7. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    Did you just call Stay Away repetitive and You're the One not? Stay Away does laps on You're the One lyrically. Stay Away has verses that connect to the chorus and add to the song as a whole, while You're the One's verses are just sort of.....there.
  8. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    I don't really like it that much, like it's good but I just find the verses so boring and the chorus so lack-luster, like something about it just doesn't work for me. I much prefer Stay Away and Nuclear Seasons to You're the One any day.
  9. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    I'm pretty sure it isn't since this person was one of the first people who had Heartbreak High.
  10. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    So I found someone who has "Diamonds" but they have it listed as "Cuts Like Diamonds"
  11. fagmobs

    Wynter Gordon

    I have about 40 in my library and i just wanted to know what I was missing
  12. fagmobs

    Wynter Gordon

    Has anyone complied a complete list of songs of her's that have leaked?
  13. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    Mine came broken with a huge chunk of the plastic case completely detached from the rest
  14. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    You really can't compare True Romance and 14 lyrically or sonically. Each album set out with two different goals, and two different set sounds. 14 was more just Charli making the music "she wanted to hear", while it was a bit more acoustic than we had expected, I don't think its quite fair to compare it True Romance and vice versa. True Romance was from the start and electro-pop record about love, while 14 was more just an album of songs Charli wrote and liked, there wasn't a strong theme, so while you could argue that the lyrics from 14 are more heartfelt, True Romance was written with a bit more restriction. However its also not fair to completely rule out 14 because of the lack of co-writers and producers, not to mention label backing. So what I 'm trying to get at is that it's not really correct to claim that one is "better" than the other unless talking about it from an opinion standpoint.
  15. fagmobs

    Charli XCX

    You all have been talking shit for months tho? Your crazy ass is leaking music left and right? Looks like I'm not the problem here. Keep using those "sassy black girl gifs" yeah read me to filth try hard whiteboy
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