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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. I was thinking the same as I saw her being in the line-up, actually. It's also a pretty late date for the tour, and she will probably think she performs it there, so that she doesn't have to promote it on tv or radio and calls it a day. A West Coast tea.
  2. Elvis is my daddy, Marilyn's my mother Jesus is my bestest friend He used to call me DN that stood for Deadly Nightshade With your big eyes and your big lies I'm living like Jim Morrison My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola And anybody in this thread who was going after Flipside or ITH is a mess and half. Easily, in the upper half of her best ever recorded songs.
  3. A bummer is putting it nicely. It's actually pretty disrespectful
  4. Just watch, she will cut three songs next. By the end of the tour, only the intro will be playing and Lana won't come out at all.
  5. Doesn't the expression "all kinds of sports" only mean "a lot of things", or " a lot going on"? Enlighten me
  6. We are hoping for the sake of her career that she promotes on TV or radio. When alternative artists can do that, Lana shouldn't feel so elusive.
  7. I am just not feeling a new abloom now. There is like no build up, no anticipation, no clue how it's gonna sound and it is just a horrible time to release anyway. I just don't know what to expect. I hope it's nothing like Paradise
  8. Let's hope she has learned her lesson and is not releasing the single and the video while on tour. we had that last time. it was a mess. if she wants to have somewhat of a hit this era, she will properly promote it. If not, well...We'll see,,,,May is halfway through, if the album is coming in August, she may drop the single mid June or July.
  9. I actually hope for some production like the tour intro. And maybe a Meghan feature Just imagine the anti-feminist duo Lana and Meghan slayin the charts with a song like "Daddy, I made ya sandwiches" doo-wop and all.
  10. Well, let's hope it's not the first single. Let it be the album closer
  11. agreed. has anybody besides me noticed that whenever you see her, she wears pretty colourful things, unlike before or during uv?
  12. the only thing that worries me is that it is the same structure like big eyes and i can fly. if we add that to the typical heath production, it could end up being a snoozefest. On the other hand, it can turn out awesome, depending on how her delivery is and how it is produced, like always. And stop with this Marina vs lana bullshit. Just because Mariana writes about more topics, it doesn't make her a better writer. I can also sit down and write a song about cabbage, but if it sucks, it sucks. Both of them are not as brilliant as some deluded ones point out they are. They are doing good for what they are up to.
  13. No, it wouldn't. West Coast didn't hold over a 2nd week on Billboard.
  14. I don't know how I feel about this, The chorus seems to be a biT lame
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