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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. her label is so useless. they are discounting LFL in Germany. What it does is that it makes the song chart lower on the official charts. However, in the UK where it has no consequences whatsoever, they are not discounting it and the song will completly fall off by next week. They are so DUMB. The new Gaga song is discounted for the second week straight and it's not even out for full three weeks. Dear Ed & Ben, just quit already.
  2. flabbergasted that you want to bamboozle us into taking your opinion serious.
  3. her wish from zeus was peace. she sings about beat poetry. it doesn't ger more liberal than that
  4. anybody from the swift squad sucks, tbh
  5. she probably doesn't speak Mexican while being a proud Latina. I think she hates Brasil, too cause she doesn't speak Brasilian. Lol. Dude, she literally uploaded the LFL trailer a few weeks ago? This fanbase sometimes.
  6. She won't have the time since the song is losing steam
  7. so why is The Cancer currently higher ion Sotify?
  8. i do not know how anybody can not be thrilled about lana having stevie nicks (an actual legend) on her album. what's next? liking iggy azalea?
  9. Time for some Stevie love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glStPHUErJU
  10. it's over guys. song is again losing big time on streaming worldwise. us, uk, everywhere. drop that album, lana!
  11. she couldn't debut on the hot100 because she only had 1.5 days of sales and streaming with no airplay. for the next week she will probably end up at No.63
  12. well, that must explain why her albums have great streming numbers
  13. this maybe news to you, but you can not stream an album that is not out.
  14. somebody in the UK should buy this song on iTunes and give Lana that coin
  15. this jump is actually nothing unusual for songs with little exposure during the night / early morning in the us. as soon as ppl start listening to radio more, songs with no or little airplay start dropping. her next update will be a dark red.
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