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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. watch the pressed bottoms running in here saying they want accoustic Lizzy back
  2. With what we know so far, all I can say is that I am not too excited about Dan Heath & Giorgio Moroder. I would love the album to be mostly produced by Haynie & Auerbach. These two sound like complete opposites from a producer standpoint. Moroder and Heath are just way too much soundtrack music for me. Probably the new look for the album? Shorter, black hair?
  3. Well, of course Rob loves the album. Lana is his daughter, that's no suprise he is a fan. For her, the album is still very close, there is no distance cause it is so fresh. Emotions are running high and you can see in the video that she get shivers and is excited about it. I have no doubt that the album will be good and I know that Universal has to allow sharing details, but something needs to happen soon and I don't mean "Tropico soon". And that we had to wait longer that she has thought of, was not her fault. People shouldn't forget that this is a time where she is probably extremly nervous since BTD was / is such an amazing commercial success. If she fails, the crtics will be ruthless.
  4. I'd love to hear an album mainly produced by Emile & Dan Auerbach. Dan Heath with just 2 or 3 tracks.
  5. Hell to the no! I srsly hope that is not the direction for the album. I also found the cover of KOHD awful, but mainly because I hate that song and Dylan in general. I always find it extremly tacky and uninspiring when an artist covers Dylan, Oasis and Nirvana. Such obvious pics and so often done.
  6. Was wondering about it, too. Wait, till Rob leaks the tracklist
  7. 5 dates in the US before the album release. There is no doubt, this is coming out in May. If it is the 1st, the 5th, the 12th, idc. I am really excited to hear new music when the new single drops end of March and probably more songs in April when she performs live If ppl don't get excited about it, then I really don't know what to say.
  8. Maleficent is out in May. Best way to promote her in the States with little effort, despite OUAD not being on the record. We have three months time, I don't know why it should be screwed, if it comes out in May. There is still enough time left and hyping an album for months has clearly been proven wrong as a strategy in recent time.
  9. We already have February. There aren't many months left till May to announce it.
  10. Thanks. Nothing wrong with a little bit of shade. Even if it's uneventful like in this case.
  11. Makes sense. Maleficent will premiere in May, too. They will promote her with the help of the movie. Clever move from Intersope.
  12. wrong thread, damn. But it's damn Platinum now!
  13. So, this must be the final confirmation that she will play new material there. At least one song or two. Everything else doesn't make sense.
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