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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. I just don't know what to expect although I am pretty sure she hasn't changed her sound or the lyrical content that much. All I hope for is that Barrie is NOT on the album.
  2. She will for sure tour America this time. BTD is almost platinum in the US. There is no doubt lots of people would go and Lana for has overcome her reservations about the American public since the US market is slowly but surely becomming her biggest one for around a year now. Will it be shortly after Coachella or a year later, idk.
  3. I hope we will hear new material. That is the ionly thing that interests me. If we have to listen to the same set like last tour once again, I swear I will start stanning for Taylor Swift. Get it together Lana!
  4. Oh Say You Can See and Mermaid Motel.
  5. I'd ask her where Ultraviolence is at? How will it be different than BTD? How she sees herself in the music biz? If she ever listens music by her peers not just for personal enjoyment but moreso to learn? How pissed she was at Rick Nowels for making it so easy for rabid fans to leak her unreleased material? If she loves Lady Gaga. Like srsly gurl, do ya?
  6. Is this Tony Bennett and Gags album still happening? I almost forgot about that one like how I forgot about the ARTPOP app. And yeah, I took a closer look and yeah, way too many releases. I just used CTRL and F and searched for her name. But I am still hoping for something like March / April.
  7. Well, I took a closer look now. Probably they have just included all the upcoming releases for spring on March 18th
  8. Thinking the same. So many releases for that date. On the other hand, when she announced it, it didn't really sound like it's gonna be a summer / autumn release. It sounded like it won't take long. So, I really don't know.
  9. WTF is this? March 18th?. Reliable source? http://www.torontosun.com/2013/12/27/2014-music-preview-best-of-the-rest
  10. Summertime Sadness and Y&B becoming hits in America (despite the former being a remix, she has 2 major hits in the States now) Lana vs Gaga drama (way more entertaining than Lana vs Lorde drama) Grammy Noms (random nomination for Paradise) Announcing the new album (in typical shy Lana fashion) Black Beauty
  11. I honestly don't give two fuckin fucks If you take my post too serious, poor you! If I really wanted to be engaged it that discussion I could have easily posted more after my 1st post.
  12. Honestly Rob's Twitter account is getting out of hand, just like his Instagramm account. Plenty of young girls commenting his pics. This just gives me some kind of bad taste teas. I mean it was okay for a couple of days, but he is really getting life from his daughter having a devoted fanbase. He is a lovely man, but it is just so....idk....weird?
  13. Lo, it's VH1 people. When was the last time someone took them serious? We should move on
  14. Is this the new thing now? She and her producers posting pics of her or while they are working on her new alberm literally ever day while her dad tweets like a mad man? Is this already promo? Finish the alberm and tell us the release date before your daddy does it, Lana!
  15. Does anyone know if Lana has signed a 360 deal or not? I am just curious about it. Thx
  16. Suprise, suprise. He is in LA tomorrow and he tweets Dan Heath about it Rob Grant is the real popstar in that family
  17. Unpopular opinions here: I HATE SIRENS *borefest* I enjoy the production on Born to Die and have nothing against Emile being on Ultraviolence. Quite frankly, I hope he produces most of the songs there.
  18. After looking at his Twitter account for a little bit longer, you could be right. He mostly gives some stupid titles to his posts. On the other hand it still could be a song title
  19. I am quite sure that Violet Princess and To The Rescue are songtitles. I mean, why would he post these pictures with these titels?
  20. Emile is posting pictures of Lana on his Instgramm / Twitter. After "To The Rescue" this is the 2nd one "Violet Princess". http://instagram.com/p/iRyv_wrxdn/
  21. Ok, can we be sure that is her real account? Didn't she say something earlier this year that she had stopped having private profiles on social networking and just posts something that is in most cases related to her work? Also, this is a private profile. You have to be in her friendslist to read posts. After all the Edward G drama, I am really suspicious with everything that is not confirmed and coming from Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter etc.
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