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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. now that video was super try hard, but it is hella expensive, you have to give her that. if she was not such a special snowflake, she would be so much more tolerable, but she ruins it entirely herself. the music itself is a mix of that xx song and needed me, but her voice sounds really grating. will probably be a hit
  2. America is not awake now!!! Sold out on iKoons!!!
  3. why not? love is dead and the buzz is gone. she ca not maintain buzz if she can not back it up
  4. currently busy doing nails and some witchcraft
  5. got told that Love was removed from the BBC playlists. I think if she wants to place another song on the radio there, she will wait for a few more weeks which is killing me.
  6. I think the title is the last problem she has. the main problems are that she ripped of another song again and that her cover is also very similar to another one.
  7. I don't know how many times IT NEEDS TO BE POSTED until some members on here understand it: neither Lana nor Interscope have the masters for that song. So you are right, it is in the hands of the label the soundrrack was for. We will never get it. And the lyrics sounded horrible btw
  8. they should move on to single no.2. love has fallen out of the top100 on iTunes even with a discount.
  9. so jamie has heard the new alboom. am jealous bitch!
  10. We always hope, we never get what we want. Everybody knows how I feel about it. I think it would be refreshing if she showcased her new material and promoted it. Give it a shot, why not? She has nothing left to lose and she was giving another females like Lorde and Halsey waaaaay too much room in the past few years. When Lana is on top, her copycats can not compete. She is way above them. It is just sad that she is not stepping out. I hope it changes with Lust For Life.
  11. it is a very niche market. really small. i can not even tell how profitable it is.
  12. they are not coming back. streaming is totally taking over, it has taken over sadly, ben and ed want us to believe that lana is still a streaming force with anything post btd which far from being true. but whatever.
  13. BTD did well on streaming, all that followed not so much, especially Floppymüün. UV did sorta okay, but still a disappointing after such a big debut that BTD was. Vinyls are also not a big thing. Barely anybody buys them. I am sure there will be a casette chart section soon where Lana ranks at No.10 and somebody will think it is highly profitable
  14. lol. he seems to be the mysterious guy, isn't he?
  15. Ok Lana, the trailer was great, but follow it up with music now instead of waiting another two or three weeks
  16. she should just keep on going. love is not doing much, but probably because people are more interested in the whole body of work instead of just one song. but overall, her label needs to get her more exposure on streaming services AND radio. i would appreciate another teaser, but this time with some songs, although a second album trailer might be a biT too much. however, the possible collabs worry me: zelly day, the broods and courtney, I don't know what they would honestly bring to the table, but since the album is done by now, it is too late too change it anyway and we can hope for the best. despite what some ppl here say: abel was a great pick.
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