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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Constantine, I agree. She is just ugly and useless
  2. have the 13year olds taken over this thread or what?
  3. leaked_version


    do i really hear some tropical house influence in sober
  4. Isn't this dead? How is it doing on the radio? I hope the new single performs better. But this is actually a great thread to include the other singles, too when they get released!
  5. you should feel dumb for always asking dumb questions instead of using google
  6. I can remember Katy, Charli and Dua Lipa and another unknown indie singer. Who else?
  7. Idk why some of you are expecting news today. Lana is a Catholic. Today is Good Friday. Nothing music related will be revealed today from her. Probably in another 2 weeks from now on.
  8. Good God, some of you are so prententious with pop music. Just embrace it and don't dismiss it: Lana Del Rey is a pop singer. End of story. And that billboard is not huge promo, lmao. It is however nice to see
  9. magazines won't push back their release so that it goes along with the schedule of an artist.
  10. it's a disaster that has killed all the excitement for the album when she dropped it. not just mine, but literally ANY I have read back then. Here, Popjustice, ATRL etc
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