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Posts posted by leaked_version

  1. Um like no offense but people who don't like her videos this era are most likely sad, ugly, unloved losers(so basically 90% of the Lanaboarders).

    I co-sign this. Maybe we should ask @Elle to take away the posting ability from ppl who are ugly. 


    This video is absolutely amazing. And Lana has not looked this good since forever. Is it 2012 again?  :flutter:

  2. Ok, my opinion Cherry: it's good. solid album track. however, i feel like i have heard something like this from her before regardless if it is body electric, freak, art deco or other songs she did in the past.So, it's cute, it's no travesty like Coachella where she unsuccessfully tried to cover a new topic, but it ain't a career highlight either.

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