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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Whoever produced it, she needs to hire him. The production job is amazing on this one
  2. Yeah, the only thing I can see her being her style would be the Angelina / Selena part
  3. http://www.cultureleak.com/2016/11/18/the-weeknd-party-monster/ you wack hoes all sleeping on this. It's out!
  4. I really hope that that being on his album does something for, especially since there are other very relevant artists on there. I hope she collaborates more and increases her own relevance again
  5. Katy Perry's new album is already in the works
  6. i think most americans don't curry about music rn. they are way too busy joining the kkk after trump's victory.
  7. because she seems to be pretty far into the process of making this album (at least from what we can say now). I assume when she finishes it, she will start to tease.
  8. I am expecting some kind of teasing in either December or January. Surprised she hasn't given out any info yet. But the next days wouldn't be a good timing anyway.
  9. I don't even know how some of you think she may be a Trump supporter as if you haven't watched the NA video that came around the start of the election campaign last time around and as if you haven't read Rob's comment and posts about marriage equality where he said that she shares the same opinion. Not everybody needs to embarass themselves in front of the Trump Tower looking a fool. She is way more clever than that.
  10. This is really....something else, I guess? I can not get my head around this. So I am not sure if we should just all turn in the troll mode and praise Trump, cause how else to deal with this fuckery?
  11. Honey, with no disrespect, but tweeting to watch the presidental candidate debate on national television where devil a is up against devil b is hardly very political, let alone subversive. She is also not very outspoken politically, which I personally like. It keeps things around her mysterious and doesn't transform her into a whiny, preachy bitch. Thank God she ain't no Gaga. And to write political songs you need some sort of eloquence in your lyrics that she simply lacks.
  12. it would also be a quite terrible album title, tbh. It would a) turn many ppl off and b) others would expect something really political which she can not pull off, quite frankly.
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