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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. These sales aren't good. Lana should be able to sell more or the streaming numbers should be way better. BTD will overtake HM soon on the BB200 which will be the third release that gets taken down by BTD quickly. BTD didn't have any hits in the US (except the remix when the album was already almost Platinum), no big promo after American Idol and Letterman, but the album stayed stable with good numbers, so Gold or even Platinum was to be expected after a few months. It's kinda sad since the music on HM is actually very good, it ain't uncommercial. It is as approachable as BTD, just in a different way. Sales climate has changed, but other acts who were no competition for Lana in any shape or form are doing better now. She should not be satisfied with these results. But hey, I can't speak for her.
  2. and yet there is no logic reason for your antics.
  3. Well, to be fair, the sound of this record is way more accessible than UV.
  4. It's not like she is chosing the look or the amount of photoshop used for the cover. This is a situation where you appear, they dress you up, do your make-up, do your hair and photoshop it how they want it. Usually, the beauty standards in a country also play a role.
  5. Learn to deal with the fact that you live in the 21st century. Everything gets photoshopped.
  6. I hope she never returns to him. Besides, he is pretty ugly. I just don't like ugleee ppl.
  7. 70 from Tiny Mixtapes is actually really good for her. Is there a link?
  8. Right. I stan Azealia. She is the biggest seller right now next to Adele. My taste in music is SO affected by sales.
  9. Except that the Paradise EP was only sold in selected markets and that it was also available in the same markets as BTD - The Paradise Edition and EP's aren't a huge seller anymore. And the interviews she gave for UV were more damaging than anything else. I am pretty sure that her infamous quote "I wish I was dead already" rubbed many people the wrong way, especially in the UK since it was for The Guardian or that she completly out of the blue threw out an interviewer out of her house or that she cancelled gigs and appareances for no reason. Srsly, I could go on and discuss that with you for days and weeks, but it would not change your mind. And selling 2 million albums for an artist like Gaga who was the biggest popstar at that time, is a commercial disaster. There is no way to spin it how you want it. It was a flop. Even Gaga fans admit it. However, I am pretty done with this discussion. Y'all simply fail to see that the music business is a business, but also a priviledge. Many artists would kill to be in a position she was and even in a postion where she is now and do way more than she does, @@evilentity: Oh, one thing dear that I just caught: when I troll, I am quite good at it actually and I know when I do it. So, when you try to come for me or disapprove what I am saying, you better step up your game than just calling me a troll. I understand way more about this topic than you. Better luck next time!
  10. It's not simple as that and studying does cost money. Even if it only costs time, time is also money in business. Because you brought up ARTPOP , it was simply a bad record even for Gags standards. I am known for really hating her, however, her previous records had some redeeming qualities while that particular album had none. It was generic EDM music, that sounded incredibly outdated, overpaced and with horrible lyrics thrown on top of it. UV in comparison was an outstanding release in 2014. Way better lyrics, better production and an overall way better album, not just by looking at it as a fan. And Lana had all the hype from BTD and she just gave up on the album and basically trolled everyone. While there was little reason to heavy promote the album, more exposure with little effort would have brought better results. Really, just a little bit of minimal effort and vision. And Artpop's failure had little to do with Interscope overestimating it. She roughly sold 2 million copies ww. It was a huge commercial flop. Let's not get that twisted. Gaga is an artist that is out there to sell 4-4.5 million copies with each album and having huge tours. She failed. Her brand was seriously damaged and still is. It was already damaged during BTW which also made some room for a new artist like Lana who came out as antidote to Gaga and her empowerment anthems. The difference between Gaga and Lana is that Gaga tried. She co-financed some events and the last video for G.U.Y. to offer her fans something. Lana realises that the album is not a super success and crawls under a rock. Lana's boyfriend is a music video director and you tell me that the best they could do to give a great song like Ultraviolence was an iPhone video? Give me a break. All I am saying is that going from 5.2 million (Paradise EP excluded and 5.9 million Paradise included) to 1.4 million to under a million with HM is a huge decline within 3.5 years. And it leaves room for worries. I am still shocked that some try to make a point that I dislike Lana or even want her to fail. I am just trying to find answers, Maybe touring is the key for her. She should really announce a world tour soon and bring up her background singers and the band. Give herself some room to try out new things. It would also debunk the accusations she is a medicore live act. She was actually stunning at The Endless Summer Tour
  11. Except that the results were not better than expected.
  12. Halsey already took her down in sales in the US. And the gap will just become bigger the more time moves on, Selena and Demi also have a shot to outsell her. Selena has a second big hit now and her album sales will stabilize. Demi might have a chance since Demi is always interested in performing and promoting. But hoiw random, that in 2015 we disucuss artsts like Trashley, Selena Gomez and Fatti Lovato when the only female albums between 2012 and 204 that have outsold Lana were Adele's "21" (which was actually released 2011) and Taylor Swift's "Red" and now wer are down to former Disney girls.
  13. That doesn't matter anyway. If you fail at school your failure won't be justified by the fact that you didn't prepare yourself for the tests. It just makes you look like more of a fool since you knew what were doing and you knew you would fail, but still went for it regardless. Who wants to fail btw? If that was true, BTD would be my favourite album and not UV. Making an album is an expensive thing to do for the label. Paying the producers, paying for the studio, paying musicians, pressing CD's, video and promo and album cover shoots, eventual promo spots on TV and radio. And these are all the things the label pays for before the album even drops. When sales are this low, you srsly wonder for how long an artist with minimal exposure and now also unimpressive sales and streaming numbers will be able to continue malking their art in the way we know. That is actually a pretty interesting question not just for Lana, but for artists in general. For how long will we take it for granted that artists can release albums and for how long will some artists dismiss their priviledge to be a recording artist by not putting their music out there and actually work. And no, I am not talking about a Tropico type of a video and budget. God beware we get an atrocity like Tropico again which was the only time I really disliked anything that had to do with Lana. Priducers need to be paid, musicians need to be paid etc just like I mentioned above.
  14. When they always submit Lana for pop categories they should finally come to terms if they wanna market her as a pop or an alternative artist since they basically give her the treatment of an alternative act.
  15. I don't have any. I simply say things as they are when it comes to this issue, I mean, charts and sales. If you feel better if I post "imo" after every time I post, I am not sorry, it's not gonna happen. If you feel better if I post a gif or a smiley every single time, I am once again not sorry, that it ain't gonna happen. If I don't feel trolled by you or this grahamdude, I will react respectfully. There are people on here who have contributed to this site in many ways and I respect that. You ain't one them. That's all. It baffles me that people get defensive when you point out that there is a negative trend and try to blame it on me as if I have the power to cause it. I am sorry to inform you, but I am not somebody who tells people to not buy Lana's music. I bought all of her albums actually. And I will say this to you for the last time before I put you on my ignore list now: numbers don't lie. Numbers never lie.
  16. Look, you are the type of guy who will hunt down every quote, every rarity, everything interesting, dig it out of the net and post it, which is a great contribution to this fandom. And I am the type of guy who likes some statistics and stuff. It's not important to the actual art to what you listen to now as an outcome, the album, however it is also a part of being a recording artist and does impact if the artist will be able to continue making their art. At least in the way we know her to do it. As a fan, I am also interested in that aspect since it affects the future. I love following trends, sales, basically everything around it. It does not change my opinion about the music, even if some get that impression. Her music has not declined in terms of quality, her music has not become too-far-out. She is not making stuff like FKA Twigs for instance. And the decline in sales in general, is also not an explanation. I am sorry, but this is the sales thread, so it makes sense to point that out.
  17. To make a long answer pretty short: who the fuck are you? We discuss everything Lana. Sales and charts are a topic here, not started by me. If you can't handle the heat, stay out.
  18. Some here still confuse positions with numbers. Honestly, maybe it is not even Lana's fault. Maybe it is just Interscope / Polydor. If they wanted her to promote because they see potential in her albums doing great, she would have to promote, trust me. But maybe they see no reason for it. She has pointed out and already twice (for Paradise and UV respectively) that they complained that she didn't give them a single, so therefor no chance to push her on pop radio or place her on certain programs. I mentioned Tori Amos in another thread a few weeks ago. A highly respected artist at her peak in the 1990's and early 2000's who was always making music for the sake of art, but she also promoted and toured a lot. Often a whole year. She released a book a few years ago and mentioned how Atlantic Records forced her to promote her material despite having her third miscarriage two weeks earlier. And despite the fact that they told her years before that they kept her under contract and unableing her to leave just because they wanted her to get too old to get any relevance back or a chance to be signed by another label. She always refused to make her music more radio friendly and her label simply opted to basically enslave her for years and years. She quick-released three records in a row and managed to fulfil her contract and leave. For years, they also paid radio stations to play other artists music who were signed to Atlantic Records and offering her tour tickets for free despite her shows always selling out regardless. Needless to say they never paid them to play her material or even sending it out. The games that get played in the music business behind the scenes are quite dirty.
  19. Well good. In that case, she can keep em.
  20. Her songs deserve better. They deserve to be heard by more people because they are that good. She wastes her time by writing her songs and than just abandoning them. Without showcasing, it means they will never reach their full potential. A shame.
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