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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. I sometimes touch my hair seductively although it is just 3mm short.
  2. Having a Top10 album these days is not really an achievment. Many pop singers have one. Lana is a pop singer. She didn't sell 116k, she sold 105k, just by the way. She has faded quite a bit though: From nearly 5.4 million to 1.4 million within 2.5 years is quite a lot and that has little to do with the current decline in sales in general. The decline does not explain 4 million copies less. I have no problem with your opinion, beloved. I totally don't. You just don't hit the nail on the head. Lana's decline in sales has nothing to do with the quality of the music either. She has topped BTD artistically with UV. With HM it's a bit difficult. While she is more confident as an artist right now, the actual outcome is not an exciting listen like her previous albums, so time will tell how it will rank in her discography when it is a bit older than a few weeks. There is no reason to be defensive about Lana's commercial performance. Like, no reason at all. All recording artists have sales. That's what they do. They sell music. And the commercial performance also determines for how long the artist we love will be able to continue making their art, at least in the way she is doing it now. We should all root for her to achieve more. We are her fans. Our job is to buy and stream her music if we want her to be around. I am pretty sure she was not really satisfied with the outcome this time around. It's so ridic to even explain it every single time.
  3. No, we totally hate her. Halsey is the new Queen of Pop. That's why we post here.
  4. It is not my fault, that some of you can not draw the line where my focus is. I do often post about commercial aspects of music, but that does not mean I need Lana to do a Mr. Ratga sized promo for her albums. Enjoying what you listen to because it becomes a soundtrack to your life and the actual pop culture moment are two different things. I mean, another fave of mine is Azealia. If I was there for the charts, I would have dropped her ass long time ago. And Lana, right after Tropico. My initial post only had to do with the fact that I don't think it's a bad record, but that my interest in the music on HM gets lost somewhere in the middle because she is not doing anything to keep my attention. People make it seem like I am not a Lana fan anymore or don't listen to her other stuff, like WTF?
  5. I love you darling, but srsly, shut up. I have proven myself as a fan plenty of times, out of all people, YOU should know better.
  6. I actually find it quite amusing how strong the reactions are and what I am being acused of. It really is because I probably read every interview, I know every song etc etc. Folks, people who were here for Lana because of the chart success already left this fandom before UV dropped, which is actually my favourite Lana album along with AKA. And let's not get started with why BTD was recieved so poorly. We all know it, so let's keep it there.
  7. I am very interested in that aspect of the music business. I love watching trends, I am interested to see where music consumption is heading. Of course, I include my favourite artist into the debate. I don't think there is anything wrong with that and it also doesn't not change the quality of the material she releases. These are two seperate things.
  8. Well, she isn't doing anything interesting with it, which is true, but the focus is what is on the record. It's all pretty, but sometimes also pretty dull. It is not an awful album, don't get me wrong, it is just so without any drive. And the songs on there are not really among her strongest when you compare it to the rest of her discography. The thing is, it ain't bad, it is just a middle of the road.
  9. All of my long post and you bring it down to that one line you were looking for and intepret it the wrong way. Congrats
  10. This is a place for her fans, not Lana or what she actually thinks. It's what we think. Every single one of us. The reason why fan forums exist.
  11. I think in the case of UV it was really just because she didn't care for the record after it dropped. See, I don't care about ppl on here and other places who come for Lana and post bullshit like "OMG Halsey and Melanie Martinez released better records", because they totally didn't. The only thing that is frustrating is that she actually leaves room with her decisions when making an album for others to claim enough space to run with something she started with. Same with Lorde, now Halsey. And she is very competitve actually. I mean, this is the same woman who talked about other females trying to steal her thunder and how she was pissed about it. And rightfully so, just by the way.
  12. You shouldn't always criticise people when they are not feeling it and make it look like it's not her fault.
  13. After some time with this record, I think I can finally sum um what I think about it and how I personally feel about Honeymoon. I mean, I am Lana fan since summer 2011, so I think I can word it without being attacked or with the exception of that graham dude calling me "a hater". I haven't listen to the album for a few days, a week maybe til today. I just didn't feel the need to do it, it was nothing in me that was longing for it. I revisited it today and I didn't make it through the album. My thoughts started to wander, my focus got lost because there was nothing that was demanding my attention. After HBTB the album feels like one big note. The pace does hardly change, the lyrics are more miss than hit and there is no change in pace, like AT ALL. All is just slow and not even trying to be interesting while being so. I don't know how members who are old posters on here feel about this record. Like, people who started posting on here when this site went up and when the Lana craze was alive and breathing I have noticed over the time that many, who once posted here frequently, stopped doing it. New members joined, but I wonder where these people went and how they feel about this record in particular. While BTD was clearly a great pop album with interesting execution and Lana being portrayed as a new superstar, UV was musically superior with an underwhelming execution. But what is Honeymoon? I have no clue what this album wants to be. It feels like a mix of confidence and boredom at the same time. Which stuns me, because at the begiing I thought that this record was being the closest to finally execute everything she is all about, but I was wrong. After all, Lana considers herself as a writer, so what is actually stopping her from releasing well-written songs is a mystery to me. Lines like "there's 24 hours in a day" or "stranger than a stranger" are just incredibly dumb. Maybe she should stop releasing an album every year. Maybe she should just try to make the lyrics work on paper first and start to build the songs with great harmonies. Maybe she should make an album that gives me variation in pace and dynamics. Maybe she should not announce a record a year or nine months in advance. Maybe she should break free, live life and go spending time somewhere in places like NYC, London or Berlin to get some inspiration instead of using the same inspiration and boring herself to death in L.A. I don't know. All I know is that Honeymoon is not doing anything for me. Maybe it's the music business in general that doesn't offer listeners anything REALLY exciting right now. Sales are going down, artists ain't making lots of money with releasing an album. Maybe releasing a new album without announcement, but previously announce a tour and re-create this album on tour like a mini-theater is what artists should do. Not like Lana, who struggels to sing 2 or 3 new songs on a tour from a new album, goes down to the screaming crowd, waves good-bye and calls it a day.
  14. she had 3 televized performances on three big us shows alone: snl, letterman, american idol. she cancelled ellen, probably because of snl she had plenty (can't count them all) televized and radio promo slots in the UK, Germany and France.
  15. no dude, this is a complete floppage!
  16. Eh, for what I know Polydor released this album, not Interscope. Or maybe not, but I see Polydor everywhere, like even at the end of the video, no Interscope whatsoever. I can, however totally understand Interscope if they lose interest and let the album just sell what it sells. Why putting effort into something when she refuses to be marketable. Like even marketable towards a possible targeted demographic. The music industry is a buisness after all and Lana has peaked commercially with BTD. I just struggle to see her strategy
  17. expecting a post by InTheSummer with something vagina
  18. While you're at it: give me 5 years of my life back.
  19. What I personally miss is the already stated lack of watching the actual boys. I don't mean it in a literal way like putting some headphones on, but the way how she described the song when she first mentioned it, sounded more interesting than the actual result we have right now. It's not bad, it ain't anything special either. It's Lana looking pretty, some underwater girls scenes and some random dudes playing basketball.
  20. She is a pop singer signed to a major label.
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