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Posts posted by GroupieLove

  1. ^ She's allowed to live, obviously. But this silence is just over the top. Like, update your Twitter/Instagram with at least one selfie a week. That's not a hard thing to do, and it'd please us all. Just my opinion.

    This !!!

    I miss Lana being active on Insta/Twitter and my b*ssy tingling every time I get a new notification.

  2. So apparently giving your own opinion and expressing ypur feelings and thoughts about Ariana's new material is still a problem in this thread. So apologies to anyone who got offended so easily by my harmless comments. That wasn't my intention. In fact I was stanning Ariana since the Victorious days, and as a long time fan, I am always the first one to defend her. I REALLY appreciate what she is doing rn and I am VERY fond of her and proud of what her career has come to. I have ALWAYS supported her. I'm just giving my honest opinion since it's a forum.


    OT: I've just watched the video and it's a slay! It's very different, and I appreciate the actual attempt to stand out and deliver great visuals.

    Ariana's making pop great again!

  3. gaga, lana, and katy all flopped HARD on their 4th album compared to their previous discographies but it looks like Ariana isn't going to have that problem


    Don't jinx it :creep:






    Ok wig ! This should have been the official album cover :defeated:

  4. Ok maybe it's a grower. Only thing bothering me are the tragic lyrics.

    she's really gonna be the first main pop girl of this generation to release 4 consecutive commercial HOME RUNS.

    Girl what?

  5. GIAW sounds soooo... idk. I really don't see how radio stations will play this. The song is unoriginal, the chorus is non existant (:rip:) even TLIC is better than this.

    I get that she's trying to take some risks and get some controversy this era, given this song title alone, "expect the unexpected" etc... But NONE of these songs are cutting it. GIAW is filler material at best. I feel like she's not even trying anymore :rip:

    But ngl, maybe the expectations were set too high, especially after DW.

    It's not like I'm expecting a pop masterpiece or smth... I only want quality songwriting, decent compositions and good production. At least the visuals this era are somewhat cute.


    Anyway this new song is noT the tea. Like at all. At this point we just need the good sis to drop the album.


    edit: and she peaked in 2014 with "Love Me Harder" aka one of the best female pop songs of all time.

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