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Posts posted by GroupieLove

  1. You people are wild. Dying doesn't change who a person was or what they did. He was a very bad person who doesn't deserve any posthumous sympathy. Yeah, the way he died was gruesome, but so is beating up a pregnant woman and a gay man for "looking at you." Get over yourselves.

    Ikr ? And I feel like this was only a glimpse of all the fuckery he has done. God knows what other crimes he committed and we didn't know about...

  2. beyy.png


    oh my god

    Music not the bling.

    her camel-looking ass husband really has to ruin everything doesnt he. hearing her voice again makes me happy tho <3

    Ikr? Jay-Zoo needs to stay away from her !!!

  3. 1. red wine

    2. lust for red wine

    3. 13 bops

    4. cherry wine

    5. white dick

    6. summer bopper

    7. xcx love

    8. in my party

    9. club - big tits on my mind

    10. god bless charli

    11. when the gays were at war, we just kept leaking

    12. beautiful fags, beautiful bops

    13. tomorrow never came (to my party)

    14. weed

    15. change (the playlist)

    16. get SMASHED



    k ill stop

    This makes me horny for some reason.

  4. Let's just pretend Pretending doesn't exist and delete it from our libraries

    Ambient wind noises.... the most breathtakingly beautiful song you’ve ever heard??? Ok :lmao:

    Reported both of y'all for homophobia.


  5. How you get it?

    Pluspremieres sis. I don't have Tidal.


    OT:Idk how to feel about this album... I'll give it some time. APESHIT and SUMMER are the only ones I kinda enjoyed

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