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Posts posted by GroupieLove

  1. She was interesting in the beggining. She had that mysterious vibe that made you watch all of her videos, then look for some conspiracy shit about her, and go back to her channel watching her videos all over again and deciphering them frame by frame, looking for symbolism in each one of them... it was fun while it lasted. But now her persona is getting quite dull, and her videos are plain boring and repetitive + she doesn't make quality bops like she used to. Gaga teas.


    Bubblebath EP is that bitch though.

  2. I already said that disagreeing isn’t a problem tho. I actually said that twice, once in the post you quoted above and in another post. So again “She unfollowed ppl who were rude to her (example included) & people can disagree all they want but don’t be shocked if she unfollows you for laughing at her” etc. So there’s no need to be concerned, just learn how to read instead.

    I'm sorry but I have better things to do than reading all these essays you're spewing in this thread and deciphering them word by word xx

    I also don't see where's the issue... and I really fail to find these "insults" you're speaking of. Even if, that's not a reason to unfollow a fan who's probably devoted to you, investing a lot into you, buying your merch, supporting your projects... this just doens't seem right idk. just get thicker skin, girl.


    On a side note, y'all shouldn't feed into this political shit and let it distract you from the actual content Lana makes, and that made you stan her in the first place.

  3. That was a "weak move" ? You know what's actually a weak move? Patronising her and insulting her. That's a weak move. Not lana who reacted to that behavior and simply unfollowed them. Very logical and absolutely right of her to do. Why would she keep following people that disrespected/insulted/patronised her? Lmao nobody would put up with that shit. She unfollowed people that were rude and nasty. Not everyone who disagreed with her. That's the difference. She didn't bring up anything on herself, she responded with crystal clear posts where she made it CLEAR what she thinks of politics and everything. It's her view. People can disagree all they want but they need to do it respectfully. The people who were not respectful simply got the boot. Well deserved.

    Yes I wanted to point out few things on that Twitter, nothing wrong with posting it again so...

    I am really concerned about yoir definition of the word "respectful". Are you insinuating that expressing your point of view and giving an opinion = being disrespectful ? Not everyone feels the need to agree with everything Lana says and it's okay, you know.

  4. I'm glad people here have their own opinion. I get that she's trying to clear the air by saying that she's all about "world peace and love" and not picking sides, but PERSONALLY, I think she should've known better. I'll just assume she isn't educated enough on this subject.


    That being said, I'd rather not book to perform in Israel if I were her. I believe that she has good intentions and thinks it's all about her fans seeing their idol, but if we follow that logic, are we just going to erase and ignore her fans in other war-torn countries ? Does she not realize that by performing in Israeli-occupied territories, she's helping the Israeli propaganda, even if it's against her will ? Does she realize that a part of the tickets revenue goes to the Israeli government ?

    Moreover, we can't compare the Palestine/Israel situation with other countries such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria etc..., because pretty much everyone is aware of what's really going on there  Whereas Israel, with the US and the majority of the west on their side, are blatantly white washing their crimes. Needless to say that they have also huge media support, which is unfair to those who are dying and suffering everyday. All because of this ancient conflict.


    I'm sorry if I'm reading too much into this, but I had to get that off my chest. The Palestine/Israel conflict is way too complicated to incriminate one or the other, and that's why I think this was a very bad decision from her part, and she's gonna get dragged whether she's cancelling the show or not.

  5. The Twitter drama... Whew chile... I LIVE for her meltdowns. This just gets messier by the day: QueenRadio, Safaree/Cardi beef, Twitter feuds, the TIDAL fiasco... :toofunny: i think I've never saw her this desperate before. Not going #1 has really destroyed her emotionally, you can tell.

  6. She's honestly so iconic on twitter I wish she would come online more 


    Ugh SAMEE

    More replies on the matter:


    Wait the last tweet, where is she going to perform next March ?

    Sorry I'm just catching up.

  7. Seriously, idk why ppl hate this. I LOVE Pharrell's tracks and they are quite amazing (and it reminds me a lot of Madonna's Hard Candy album, which I love as well). She delivered BOP after BOP, I simply don't get the hate, unless you just hate Pharrell because you are raciste.



    Here's my track by track review:


    Raindrops: cute intro, her vocals snatched me bald.(as per usual) my scalp is still bleeding btw. 8/10


    Blazed is Candy Shop 2.0 lol. still cute tho. I love Pharrell's funky touch, it makes it catchier. 6/10


    TLIC :defeated: a Holy BOP. I loved it on first listen. But looking at the undeserved hate this gem is getting from y'all, I'm convinced that only ppl with a very high IQ can enjoy this avant garde masterpiece. 8.5/10


    R.E.M my FAV on the album. Very chill, very dreamy... and reminds me of Daydreamin'. R.E.M is THAT bitch. 10/10


    GIAW I thot the song was trash when she first released it, but now it's starting to grow on me a bit. It's still my least fave. NEXT ! 5/10


    Sweetener, Pharrell did THAT! The hook is so cute and I LIVE for the production. Pharrell really snapped on this one. very uplifting track. 7/10


    Successful this sounds like a 2003 Britney Spears b-side. A cute bop, but nothing special. 6/10


    Everytime my second fave :defeated: one of the best tracks Ari has released so far. Very catchy, the Max Martin production is top notch, who could possibly ask for anything more ?? It would be way better if it was longer tho. 10/10


    Breathin, now this track is the DEFINITION of overrated. I don't see the hype, it's very repetitive, really not the tea. Maybe it's a grower (and I hope so) 6/10


    NTLTC her best lead single tbh. 10/10


    Bordeline gives MAJOR 2000's JT vibes. I LOVE this track, Missy Elliot wasn't the best choice for a collab tho. 7/10


    Better Off, 3rd best song. The beggining reminds me of 20 Something by SZA. It's very smooth and chill. The Knew Better of this album. 9/10 (could've been longer ngl)


    Goodnight n Go, another Max Martin bop. Love the beat, lyrics are kinda clingy. Still a cute track. 7/10


    Peter Darwinson, cute interlude, the title is a choice, but I still enjoyed it. The adlibs are out of this world. Ugh 8/10


    Get Well Soon. The only track that REALLY disappointed me (besides GIAW). Very underwhelming considering she said that it was the "new" Honeymoon Avenue (which my all time fave song of hers). I expected something spectacular to end the album, but that wasn't quite the case. At least the lyrics are very clever and well thought out. A nice tribute to the Manchester victims. I'll give this one an 8/10 regardless.


    Overall, I think this album is her most cohesive body of work (along with YT) despite it being a Pharrell/Max Martin produced album. DW had higher highs, but only the singles mostly stand out, and I had a hard time getting into DW, whereas I loved Sweetener at first listen. I still think that DW is objectively a pop classic, but I prefer the chill and calm nature of this album more.


    So, for me, it's : S >>>> DW >> YT = ME

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