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Posts posted by GroupieLove

  1. Lol. You literally said that people who like Hope are pretending to, and telling them they're not edge. Sorry if the song is too mature for you, but it's a beautiful song.

    And then you go on to say Venice Bitch is cute but drags and criticize it as though your opinion is the only one that matters, despite VB probably being her most critically acclaimed song to date.


    Of course you have the right to express your opinion, but the way you do so is clearly looking for a reaction from other people, hence my "desperate for attention" comment.


    the HYPOCRISY when you just called me immature for not agreeing with you  :lmao: y'all just can't help it.

  2. GroupieLove is clearly in the age range of 12-15. Desperate for attention, and truly bad taste.


    this is what I truly can't bear. these so called stuck up "stans" like you who think their opinion is the only one that matter and their taste is immaculate. sorry to break it for you, but I'm not one of those. some stans are so far up Lana's ass that they will literally eat up anything she does. I'm not desperate for attention, I just want to state my opinion, which I think I have the right to, given this is a public forum, not a cult. hope is a snoozefest. it's bad, it doesn't have any instrumentation, which makes the song drag on. it's just plain bad for me.

  3. What DO you like except for... well groupie love


    well, for starters, i STAN for Lizzy Grant. I love her other albums as well, it's just that they're not on the same level for me, quality-wise. they're very different. I love UV's alt/rock sound and I think its her best, closely followed by BTD (a classic) and L4L. I don't use Comamoon at all (except for High by The Beach and Freak). but yeah, nobody seems to understand my taste. :noparty: 


    I mean it's just a preference.. Some people are here for slower music and ballads and some are not. You prefer more up beat music and it's acceptable but you can't just say that whoever likes slow music is pretentious and edgy lol

    true. I guess stripped down piano balladry is just not for me.

  4. I know some of y'all bout to be real mad at me, but I must say this and get it off my chest. none of these songs are doing it for me and each new song is a bigger disappointment than the previous one. I mean, hope is probably her worst song to date (and to all the twinks pretending to stan that borefest, you're not edgy, you're just a clown). VB was cute but it really drags on 5 minutes too long, and it gets boring at one point. Doin' Time was the only song I genuinely really loved this era, but that probably won't even end up on the album so whatever I guess. and based on some LQ snippets, cinnamon seems to be the only interesting song I'm looking forward to.


    I really wanted her to go more trap/hip-hop (I know I'm about to be crucified for this nn). that sound suited her so well. I personally liked Summer Bummer and Groupie Love, and I think she should've explored trap more, and its influences on Lust For Life would make me believe that she was going to switch her sound and go more urban for her next musical project (which I was anticipating a lot until, well... you know) but instead, we're getting honeymoon rejects. sad.


    let the lashings begin now.

  5. I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and so I was still coming down off the anesthesia but I came home and fell asleep and dreamt about Lana so vividly... She was on a stage just talking to fans and she mentioned something about making music in the studio and I said “When you were with Jack back in June?” and she said yes and then she said that was when they were working on the 25 unreleased track album and I SWEAR i woke up crying!!! That’s how I know it was just a dream but wow what a concept... Living in a world where we get NFR and then the unreleased album a few months later



    is this what it has come to? :deadbanana:  this bitch really be causing us dementia.

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