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Everything posted by Fingertips

  1. On my version of the album, I will be switching the Jon Batiste interlude to right after Fingertips so I can hear the upcoming PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH of Candy Necklace, Kintsugi, and Fingertips all in a row
  2. CRAAAAAAAZY Lust for Life and Norman feel like an experience, I can't imagine how this one is going to feel being 5 minutes and 10 minutes longer respectively
  3. Someone should get their calculator out, add up the lengths and make predictions for the lengths of the last two songs if they're both under 5 minutes and the album is just under 1h 20m
  4. Last night was the funniest night I've ever been on LanaBoards, and I highly suggest that you read it when you get the chance.
  5. We're done with the over 5 minutes tracks. BoZ said there are 6 of those on the album
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