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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. Just now, lizzyschemtrails said:
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    When I shared that I think The Grants is a perfect next single choice based on the heavy involvement of Lana's family I of course meant that's what I'm predicting and expecting... I think it's obvious I haven't heard the full album yet, this is strictly based on all the info we currently have - I really do think it could sum up the album as a whole and what we are going to hear:crai: 


    Don't let them get you down, I totally agree with your original post. :gclap:

  2. 7 minutes ago, blackpalmtrees said:

    Why are y’all pretending that y’all like The Grants being released as a single? It’s one of the most unapproachable songs on the album and isn’t rly worth any hype. It’s just a cute opener.

    See, this is what I mean. People on this website have a martyr complex when they have unpopular opinions. Instead of accusing people of pretending to like something, which we're not, how about you rephrase what you said to "I'm not a fan of The Grants being a single" and leave it at that. Posts like this are why things become so heated all of the time. Just because people like a song doesn't mean they're pretending, and vice versa. 🤡

  3. Just now, prettywhenimhigh said:


    I agree. I think A&W was enough to show people this project isn't like the previous albums. now it's time for a song the represents the true core of dykttatuob

    Yep. Everything I've heard from this album has Jimmy, Peppers, and Taco Truck as outliers in terms of sound. The Grants encapsulates everything about Ocean Blvd.

  4. Just now, lanasbottom said:

    exactly and fuck the GP, if they aren’t here for songs like The Grants then they don’t deserve the middle and second half of the album :true:


    let them think it’s piano only while we gatekeep the bops 

    The Grants is a beautiful song. It might be my "least favorite" of the leaked tracks, but it's still a really nice song to listen to, 8/10, and speaks to the volume of the high caliber of this album. :oprah3:

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