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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. random dbree post says these are lyrics to blue banister lol take with a grain of salt yall know how this always goes lmao
  2. Just watched it (I don't watch the superbowl but always watch the halftime show after the fact) and I don't see how anyone couldn't have liked it. It was a good performance and at least there wasn't anything necessarily controversial that happened. The mirror room with the masks which related to the latest music videos was actually a really good idea, whoever in costumes did that needs a pay raise. I just couldn't see Taylor or anyone else doing a Halftime show and making it this interesting. She would either do her hillbilly songs she's re-releasing or her latest snoozefest of a Lana impersonation. Couldn't see that being enjoyable at all lmao
  3. manifesting weird as lyrics like "you bend me over your blue banister-r-r, bend me over your blu-u-ue banister daddy" with her jazzy high vocals
  4. this. at least she's not going away. i saw a video of a guy listening to cocc for the first time and he was a stan, he even had AKA on vinyl so i know he was a stan. but he was talking about how it feels like throughout cocc she's saying she's tired of being famous and shit. like with DBJAG. and then i saw that the video was posted the day cocc came out and i was like..... lol spoke too soon!
  5. i was thinking the opposite. i was thinking he'd had to go to a hotel, double bag it, make sure there's no cameras because cameras make him paranoid and he'd have to book both rooms on either side so nobody can hear (you moan)
  6. honestly i think this time i might do the same thing, IF THE ALBUM COMES ON TIME. even if the album gets delayed a week and drops the follow friday or whenever it comes, if the single comes out within a very short timeframe of the album dropping i think i might hold off too and just ignore her until she drops the album. i wanna hear the album in its entirety instead of what i did with COCC where i heard the songs that were out and once it leaked i listened sporadically (i had to hear Yosemite and TJF first) idk i think i'm excited bc if this works out, that means that'll be the first time we've gotten 2 Lana albums in the same year and it might not be the last for this year if she also is doing the country album, BTIG, and the covers album all at the same time. imagine her dropping RCS and then 2 weeks later a covers album and then like 4-5 months later we get BTIG ughhh
  7. like she really thought today "i'm gonna post this and not say ANYTHING ELSE" we stan a trolling lana
  8. this is really confusing me because it could totally be a poem from the poetry book but then you also look at her feed and notice she's using the same teaser thing from the white dress "it made me feel made me feel like a god" post so like.... are we getting a new song soon or a poem UGH LANA YOU'RE KILLING ME MORE THAN YOUR USUAL SELF RIGHT NOW
  9. Ahh interesting, good to know. I don't follow her on insta so that's interesting to me. Thanks for clarifying! With Lana and her wordplay you never really know 100% until you think twice about it lol this time she was actually being literal hahaha
  10. us on may 31 thinking the album is coming june 1 and when june 1 comes and there's no album
  11. blue banisters... what if that's a lead single? it looks like it'd be part of a poetry book but it still sounds like a good song title
  12. literally who cares? she fucking made an insta post.... about someone who fucking DIED TODAY. can we just respect the dead for 2 minutes on the day he died? why are you defending her if it's so exhausting? live a life where you simply give 0 fucks. regardless if he's racist. regardless of his familial relationship with the queen... jesus like i have her notifications off. if there's news, i'll see it here. at this point her socials don't matter to me. i'll look sometimes but there's no need to read the comments and try to defend her. these trolls are literally going to bitch about anything she does or says. i'm not trying to go off on you i'm just so tiiiirrrreddddd of reading the same shit that's in her insta comments HERE anytime she posts anything. i get it if people are offended by something like QFTC but move on already. i'm not saying if you're here you need to suck her dick but like.... why is everything taken so serious and out of context i--
  13. why do y'all even bother checking her insta at this point? y'all want her to stop posting -- but when she doesn't post for weeks on end y'all bitch. so then she posts and y'all bitch. live and let live. phillip was a fucked up person, we know, but he also died today. anyways..... i love the trigger being pulled so quickly on "UGH RACIST" just because she posted a pic of the queen and phillip.... y'all realize she posted a pic of kamala and joe biden and they're both racist as fuck so where were your fingers pointing then?
  14. .... i can't with y'all today lmaooo
  15. I keep thinking about the "Court almost burnt down my home" line and i had a small epiphany. is she saying that Courtney Love was on fire on stage? remember how she calls the stage her home when she's not home on Hope? just something that i thought lol
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