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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. that Georgia O’Keeffe reference and also chemtrails here wow
  2. Woah are these mellotron flute? I can’t tell, the way they play to perfectly that’s why i’m wondering
  3. I can't break the DRM protection from iTunes.... which is another roadblock and I have to be up for work early tomorrow please shoot me ughhhhh i can't sleep if this isn't right
  4. This is exactly what justified me buying it 3x already (and not feeling bad for looking for download links online when I've paid 3x already and will pay a 4th time for the physical book, looking for downloads only failed, sadly for my ocd)
  5. Yall I downloaded fucking AVS Audio Editor to be able to split the fucking file and here it tells me "this audio file is protected!"
  6. this could help!!! thank you so much. i'll update you all on my journey of trying to make this into an actual iTunes album.....
  7. maybe I can try that. but I'll have to know exactly the correct time stamps so i'll have to listen through and find where they all stop (or do math with the time stamps given from other sites that idk if they are 100% accurate)
  8. for real i don't want links sent to me or anyone getting in trouble (myself included) but I feel so jipped bc I just simply want it in my iTunes perfectly named and ugh i'm so sad rn this is exactly my problem thank you for putting it into words better
  9. it's not her fault, i mean i'm just picky and want to have things exactly perfect in my iTunes, i'm a little ocd about audio files
  10. like i'm simply frustrated bc it's all one single file and I don't know how to split it up and actually NAME the tracks myself. if anyone knows, please tell me and I'll do it myself if I have to
  11. I'm looking on the internet for download links now or ways to separate this goddamn single stupid fucking file. I paid for it 3 times (including digitally, and physically twice) and still can't have it fixed the way I want it to be. I AM NOT ASKING FOR A LINK HERE, PLEASE DON'T THINK I AM, I'M SIMPLY STATING MY FRUSTRATIONS WITH THIS
  12. I just bought the audiobook on Apple Books and hate the formatting bc it says "Track 1" through "Track 14" and I went to my iTunes folders and now I can't separate them into tracks UGH I HATE AUDIOBOOKS.....
  13. So if I buy the audiobook on Apple Books, can I see it in my iTunes like a normal album? OR can I download it somehow and add it to my iTunes?
  14. I'll say this again. & I'm not asking for a dl link, but I do wish it was on Apple Music or there was a download code sent from LDR when you buy the vinyl like her normal albums. I bought 2 and have only heard LA bc it's on Apple Music....
  15. this is such a beautiful track. just wish the album was on apple music dammit.
  16. I get this and agree, but it really sucks we won't be getting download codes for buying the vinyl. I bought 2 and I'm not gonna be buying the audio a 3rd time digitally, i'll buy the book itself when it's out tho
  17. Still don't know why it matters anymore. Who cares? Fuck cops but let her ride whichever cock she wants. In other news, it doesn't seem like it's about him so you should be fine. Why does her personal relationship matter so much to some of yall? I mean I get it fuck cops, fuck 12. but like..... get a relationship of your own maybe and judge that???? Idk it's annoying seeing this on every single post or thread
  18. i really hope it’s on apple music, otherwise i’m gonna try and find it somewhere since i’ve bought it twice on vinyl
  19. i’m just excited for anything she does at this point. she has plenty of reason to retire for a few years with as much work as she’s put out, we’re lucky to get 2 books and another album within the span of a year like she’s trying to plan out.
  20. yall i really want a super mario odyssey 2. odyssey was so much fun when stoned omg it still is i’m playing it again rn and holy fuck
  21. I got the blue vinyl from UO because i think it’s beautiful. But I got the black one to actually play. Might do a third order if there’s a green i didn’t see. I missed the cream colored one, I would’ve ordered it but didn’t see it until after I placed my order for the black one but i’m glad i got a black one just so i could play it at least
  22. interesting to read that snippet. i really hope it ends up on apple music but know it won’t. i’d rather stream it tho if she gave the option
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