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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. She'd name it either Venice Bitch or Long Dick Island or Riker's Island or maybe Marina Del Rey lol
  2. um can she actually play animal crossing or mario kart and live stream it? i would enjoy this a lot tbh (even as unlikely as it is)
  3. The name is weird, considering it's the opposite to Yes To Heaven
  4. I loved the instrumental in the new poem. I'm hoping the album is as beautiful, like NFR was but even deeper. Give me some Sober II (Melodrama) beats with violins
  5. we can only wish he'd just quit. I hope he sees this too. he sucks at his job. she needs a new manager and has for years now. what's his name on here? and is there proof he's here? like has he posted before?
  6. I mean honestly, the way she fucking writes is brilliant, the way she fucking makes references, the way she has meanings to things when she talks of other poems but in her own. I love it.
  7. This is probably her best poem yet holy balls
  8. holy shit she’s posting a few hours ago i missed it
  9. hope is a dangerous thing makes much more sense now.
  10. I’m hoping there’s not a single. Just give us the record when it’s done and ready to come out
  11. Idc what happens I hope she posts again tonight tho Have y’all noticed this is the most active she’s been in years lmao we needed this
  12. I can’t stand Anthony. He’s pretentious, trying to call himself the busiest music critic or whatever the fuck. I think he’s just a bad reviewer. There’s lots of albums he doesn’t like and that’s fine, but they’re great albums. I don’t understand what he likes but he doesn’t seem to review what he actually likes. I don’t think he truly likes music like he says he does, he just realized he could make money “reviewing” albums
  13. This and the impact she’s had on music in general
  14. i was wondering this too. She's had multiple instas and twitters soooo
  15. i agree, no reason to cancel iconery
  16. So while Lana's losing her shit on Insta, I think it might be time to go back to playing Zelda again. Speaking of strong women. Ugh someone give Lana Zelda for the rest of the quarantine. She needs to free her mind
  17. for real, acting like she's wrong here is more wrong
  18. Yall remember how she was vlogging? I wonder what that looks like right now lmao
  19. oh shit do you guys think it might be possible she could be relapsing? it's about the same time as yesterday she went off. i hope she's not drinking agian now that i'm thinking about it. i mean, the actions are kind of weird coming from her. and a lot of alcoholics will lie, well, drug abusers, saying their well being is fine, they cool don't worry about them when they're the complete opposite??? i mean, now i get what they're saying when they say they're concerned. but saying it to her face seems rude af
  20. good she can message me anytime
  21. wonder what tim apple thinks
  22. I love a woman who doesn't give a fuck who she says fuck off to. Fuck it I don't careeeee
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