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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. The TV track version. I'm not sure if it's been posted here but I'll post it if not
  2. what happened to the good gags? where is she?
  3. I hope it includes what was left off of NFR or those leftovers leak soon. I’ve been dying to know what the full list of tracks from NFR sessions sounded like, same with NFR demos, we need more. All we have are alt versions of Doin’ Time and FIILY, and the original demo from BAR This is one of my favorite things about a new LDR album. Listening and catching things from old tracks and albums
  4. i'm just curious to know what this will sound like.... please let it be different again. PLEASE LANA i'm begging you
  5. Given the fact that Doin' Time was added on last minute and wasn't intended for the album, I could see them wanting to fuck with her album, though. That's the wait I'm talking about. Lana said in March that the album was finished, with Doin' Time coming out in May. I think if it was up to her, she could've put the finished album out in April or May. Doin' Time makes sense on the album where she placed it in the tracklist with the previous track saying "running out of time" so it is still cohesive, but still, it wasn't necessary to add DT to the album, especially with the fact that she released Hope in January and with the album being finished by March and she'd said it was finished. Of course she says things all the time that aren't necessarily true, but even then, it could've been out and it seemed like she was ready to put it out way before Aug 30 It's not like Interscope is known to be a dickwad when it comes to releases anyway i mean... Here's a real video straight from Interscope
  6. I hope NFR gets a grammy so she can move on and start making another record that her record label hates like UV. I wonder how they liked this album, actually. Did Jack's name sell them on it before she showed them anything, or was the wait we all suffered caused bc of the label being dickheads and not wanting to allow her her freedom to put out this record? Hmmmm the things I think about
  7. Well there’s also the lyric “Do you miss your baby mama?” in Greenwich. Honestly they might’ve used those names in a relationship as cute pet names. Hell, they might’ve talked about having kids together yet they never did. “Are you still in Greenwich dropping acid?” Shes not there anymore and she’s asking if he is. If you actually look at the guy she’s singing about in Video Games, he does have a kid now. Maybe that was in their future together but it never worked out. He’s married now as far as i know and has a kid now so
  8. I’ve listened to NFR over 300 times since it released, according to apple music
  9. Who’s at this show?? She tweeted Robert would be there but who in the fuck is Robert??
  10. I didn’t like King Crimson until I heard Starless (don’t kill me any KC stans)
  11. Just thought of a new game. Let’s talk about genres we didn’t like but now are listening to because we heard of a particular artist. For example, “I didn’t like rap until I heard Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City by Kendrick Lamar” You could go further into different sub genres if you like. I’ll start. I didn’t like prog rock until i heard Bedside Manners Are Extra by Greenslade
  12. you and him have been feuding for like the last week holy hell. do you guys ever get tired? let’s agree to disagree. it has flaws in some parts to some, it’s flawless to others. who gives a fuck who wants to guess on the color of the vinyl?
  13. The thing about the consistency is more within the lyrics of NFR than the others. UV was probably the only one where she used vocals from other tracks hidden in the bridge/ending chorus, from FMWUTTT. This time, the songs lyrically connect. NFR: You fucked me so good that i almost said I love you FIILY: Fuck it, i love you! FIILY: Runnin out of time Doin’ Time: Summertime & the living’s easy VB: Trying to be stronger for you California: You don’t ever have to be stronger than you really are Just a few examples. But i agree, there are flaws in the production that COULD HAVE been edited out, unless they were there on purpose to give it a more “live album” sound I just hope on WHF she uses more mellotron. The only problem is you can usually hear the tapes click and people will prolly start calling that a production problem when it’s not
  14. the only main thing i didn’t like about NFR compared to other ones was when they mixed CG, they shouldn’t have blended the vocals from the pre-chorus and chorus. It sounds rushed and like a production flaw that wasn’t intentional, even if it is. I hope that same thing isn’t showcased on another album like that. Speaking of i wanna hear a demo of that track tbh and see if it’s like that in a demo or not
  15. uhh... please educate yourself down the yellow brick road. if it weren’t for him, a lot of things would be very, very different. he paved the way for mainstream media to support gays, the same way Ellen did. He’s an ICON no matter if you do or don’t like his music. Just like Michael Jackson, who, no matter what you think about his music, is still iconic. I know MJ did some shitty things and i know EJ isn’t the best person ever but in this conversation he seems so genuinely happy about her musical direction. He’s seen the prog/art rock generation come and go and now resurge with the uses of the mellotron. He’s seen rock n roll completely change, he’s seen pop music flip between different generations and he’s still musically involved with today’s music even now. He might be trash to you, but some of us really appreciate him and some of his opinions (and the fact that he sat down and did this with Lana. He’s getting old and his death is probably going to be sooner than a lot of us expect which will be a very, very sad day for me so please... chill.)
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