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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I’m not trying to be hostile! I’m just trying to get my point across bc I’ve posted the same thing multiple times and 90% of the time it gets skipped over or ignored and they keep going on and posting the same things about the album that a lot of people don’t want to hear right now. It’s from LQ snippets I mean... lol this is all so pointless And before anyone gets to the post release thread and starts saying they’re tired of the album already.... that will be when I DO go off LB hasn’t seen me go off THIS!!!!!! T H A N K Y O U Omg (I’m being genuine some don’t know how to use that)
  2. It’s not about listening. It’s about (for me) being more spoiled by each post in a thread that was clearly stated earlier in red to use spoilers when talking about the album. I didn’t even log in for most of the day bc that’s all it was, posts about “OH THIS IS MY FAVORITE UGH SHE SHOULDVE CHANGED THIS UGH I LOVE THIS” and then people ranking the songs all day. That’s what the post release thread is for, it’s ruining conversations that would otherwise happen IN THAT THREAD and a lot of us would prolly like to be part of those conversations but we don’t want to hear it not only out of fucking respect for the artists but for our own experience with the album. And there’s no reason to be hostile with people IN THIS THREAD who feel the same way I do. In a thread made for “BEFORE THE ALBUM”, hence the “pre” in the title????
  3. I love reading opinion posts but AFTER we’ve all heard the actual HQ released version..... I don’t get the point of ranking songs you’ve heard through a toilet why????? It’s fucking stupid lmao
  4. Only 12 more days for me to actually listen to the album!!! I’m so excited bc I haven’t been spoiled or nothing after mods have said not to post about it in here without spoiler tags but.......
  5. There really wasn’t a lead single tho lmao I mean... what would you consider it? MAC? VB? Bc after Hope, they said the lead was yet to be released so..... lol Also Okay so now that all u little fuckers who listened to the leak have state your opinions (over and over all day) can the ones of us who HAVEN’T heard the album please have this thread back? K thx
  6. Idk and idc but most of these posts don’t even belong in this thread you’re all making opinions based off of a LQ leak when most of you were bitching when Lana was posting LQ snippets from her iPhone........ I can’t with this fandom it’s the most ass backwards hahahahaha
  7. This!!! I’ve been holding out bc I know how good it’ll be I just can’t believe people are ranking the songs based off of a shitty “leak” LMAO
  8. Okay Signing off until the album is actually released (or available in HQ bc LQ would suck and I don’t wanna subject myself to opinions about trash leaks lol)
  9. Did some of you guys not get the memo??? USE SPOILERS PLEASE FOR SOME OF THIS POST RELEASE TALK K thx
  10. It’s on LB, I don’t know if it’s been updated since LFL or not but it’s wild
  11. You ever read through Lanalysis? What a thread (I can’t remember if it was spelled that way but def look it up if you haven’t already)
  12. Wait imagine if Lana worked with Jack AND Dan Auerbach
  13. Wow and we’re past 3200 pages in here lol let’s see if we can pass up the Charli thread by the release date
  14. We love you Elle glad you’re working on getting better c:
  15. This is making me so excited to hear it. I haven’t heard anything past FIILY and I’m seriously so excited now that I’m hearing what some of y’all are saying fuck
  16. This is what happens when you keep a shitty team, though. What else can you expect? It’s all part of management
  17. Wait did the whole album actually leak? Or am I lost what happened
  18. That doesn’t mean she didn’t mean 2 things. Look it up there’s more than one meaning to “wiping out” it’s not just a surfing term
  19. Idgaf there’s multiple meanings to things. When someone says they hope they don’t wipe out to me means getting plastered. She could’ve had 2 meanings to that post too. Who knows? You’d be wrong to think she didn’t have more than one meaning to things Remember this? “Do I contradict myself?” She says she’s sober all the time, then smoked weed with fans at a show back in 2012-2013, etc etc. she of course smokes weed but other stuff? Who knows. Maybe drinks again
  20. Well her doing drugs makes sense. She’s now singing about how she used to shoot up. On LFL a song was literally titled “Heroin”. I’m sure she does drugs, what drugs who knows. She probably just smoked weed now. Jack smokes in the studio so she probably did too. Remember that Memorial Day post where she said she was hoping she doesn’t “wipe out”? That would usually mean drunk or high so I mean she’s been public about it lately No LFL has just always been her worst
  21. Haven’t heard anything. Jack posted yesterday thinking they were dropping at midnight but it turned out to be “soon” so idk... no word from Lana
  22. Or maybe she was high when recording it? She looked stoned af in one insta live and Jack talked about being high in the studio the other day so probably
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