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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. That doesn’t mean she didn’t mean 2 things. Look it up there’s more than one meaning to “wiping out” it’s not just a surfing term
  2. Idgaf there’s multiple meanings to things. When someone says they hope they don’t wipe out to me means getting plastered. She could’ve had 2 meanings to that post too. Who knows? You’d be wrong to think she didn’t have more than one meaning to things Remember this? “Do I contradict myself?” She says she’s sober all the time, then smoked weed with fans at a show back in 2012-2013, etc etc. she of course smokes weed but other stuff? Who knows. Maybe drinks again
  3. Well her doing drugs makes sense. She’s now singing about how she used to shoot up. On LFL a song was literally titled “Heroin”. I’m sure she does drugs, what drugs who knows. She probably just smoked weed now. Jack smokes in the studio so she probably did too. Remember that Memorial Day post where she said she was hoping she doesn’t “wipe out”? That would usually mean drunk or high so I mean she’s been public about it lately No LFL has just always been her worst
  4. Haven’t heard anything. Jack posted yesterday thinking they were dropping at midnight but it turned out to be “soon” so idk... no word from Lana
  5. Or maybe she was high when recording it? She looked stoned af in one insta live and Jack talked about being high in the studio the other day so probably
  6. I also hear “I used to shoot up my veins in neon” but also hear “in the arm” too so idfk
  7. Does she say “douche it” or “do shit” is the question mwahaHAHAHAHA
  8. I’m so excited let me in the prerelease thread Maybe a demo could leak with different lyrics? Do we know how these recording sessions turned out, timing wise? Were there any songs done in one take?
  9. And sometimes opinions change!!! Especially when something new and different from the same artist comes and it’s just as experimental as something like UV. UV changed Lana’s sound from what she started off sounding like on BTD, which isn’t bad. I’ve been in the “UV & HM” over all group and I can honestly say this album gives me the chills I felt when I first listened to UV & HM. There’s something special to it for me personally and I can tell it means a lot to Lana & Jack. It’s just such a cool project and we’re finally getting to listen in on it and it feels so special.
  10. Hmm very strange. I hope she has extra enough to sell in the US lolol
  11. Tbh I can’t wait for the instrumentals to leak for this album. I can’t wait to listen to it and pick them apart ugh I’m RED TEA
  12. Maybe but if that’s true then the other boulevard songs are about him and in HTD it was about John down on the boulevard
  13. Yes!!! Except I guess she didn’t really get anyone to “come out of retirement” or anything. Still!!!
  14. Wow. FIILY sounds like a Weeknd song weirdly enough idk why I’m saying that but I am
  15. Maybe I’m wrong I just thought I remember you saying you didn’t like other songs either on this album and it was like...... well you’ve been this way this whole album but maybe it was someone else sorry
  16. Lol you’ve hated this entire album what else is there to expect
  17. Probably bc people bought the album before she put the signed version up for sale tbh and she only put it up for sale in the UK so
  18. Yeah prolly closer to the TNC changes than Black Beauty
  19. I think it’s bc of the production style and the almost lazy lyric writing. It just seemed cheesy in places. She should’ve worked with someone different than Rick on most of the album bc it could’ve turned out like HM but didn’t. I guess maybe that’s what it was being compared to, since Rick did most of the production of that album and it was pretty good but LFL didn’t live up to what HM set the stage for. It just wasn’t what was expected out of either Rick or Lana. The tracklist was all over the place too, then it was delayed only for her to have removed her “favorites from this album” and replace it with something she took 24h to make
  20. Guys 2 weeks from today!!! We’ll have it technically earlier than this point in 2 weeks
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