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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. have you heard those folk albums???? omg
  2. “I know I wanted all this in the beginning, I really tried I know I caught you at a not-so-happy time of your life... My dreams are bigger than your junkie pride” and from Try Tonight “When he enters all of the lights go dim...” “A dark room in the nighttime Is how he spends all his time If he could go on without your help Then he would do it all by himself But I don’t think he got strength to muster And he don’t got a lot, lackluster” “He’ll try tonight to not get high but he will”
  3. would you guys be upset if Lana opened the next album with a cover of Back To Black since Get Free on LFL ended with “Out of the black into the blue” and then NFR was the ‘blue’ and then she’s gone back to black. it’d be such a good placement for a cover of that track
  4. Cruel World West Coast Born To Die Million Dollar Man Do Right Us Against The World Freak Religion Norman Fucking Rockwell Pretty When You Cry Fuck It I Love You California The Greatest Doin Time Summertime (Joplin version) Back To Black (Winehouse cover) Swan Song Flipside
  5. i don’t know what i even thought the lyrics were but i just recently learned she says “Officer Brown’s always comin’ around” and especially when she says “keep hustlin’ every night and day” i always sang “keep em slim every night & day” hahaha which i figured went with the other song where she says pro-ana nation or i figured it could’ve meant slim cigarettes
  6. i got one too!!! i love it i’ve got it put in my LDR shrine hahaha
  7. hahaha i got the black hoodie, the one where she’s painted in blue. i love it and the reference to the record ugh it’s so genius
  8. i emailed them 3 times and only got a reply the second time i emailed them and then got my shipping email on Friday afternoon
  9. it actually seems bigger than i expected. i usually order large bc i like bigger hoodies but it seems like what should be an XL and that’s fine with me anyway it says when you go to the site that the store will open soon but honestly i don’t believe it will until her next round of pop ups maybe next year when the next album comes. this is the first time she had it online isn’t it? bc she had pop ups back during HM and LFL i believe but not online
  10. Bad Boy & Paris were actually the same melody, specifically the chorus the “baby say goodnight text me when you get home safely” and “baby ghetto love” parts does Big Bad Wolf and Hot Hot Hot count? Scarface & Noir Disco & Let My Hair Down (since they were done during the same session) Junky Pride & Theres Nothing To Be Sorry About
  11. that date format had me thinking this was from March..... wtf lol i need to hear the outtakes from this record
  12. so this changes the song in relation to who it’s about. it goes with Honeymoon (track) with “Mr Born To Lose” and California, “scared to win, scared to lose” which means it’s Barrie for sure i think. he’s the Norman fucking Rockwell who was obsessed with making the best american record. fuckkkkkk i like it a lot now even more so knowing the actual words. it keeps it consistent and cohesive
  13. has she sang Fuck It I Love You live yet? she seems to not like it as much as some of the other tracks since the video came out
  14. i’m hoping she does no snippets this time too, i don’t wanna be spoiled lol and with this one she said she was planning to surprise drop it at some point in a year from now so maybe with that said, she won’t post snippets or even release a single ahead of time (which would be cool with me tbh)
  15. i’m not sure about her naming UV Black Beauty or LFL BAR, i’ve never heard that. here’s the date of that post made
  16. i didn’t think anyone thought VB or MAC wouldn’t be on the album??? they were the first singles which she even said when VB came out that they’d be included on the album, which she revealed the album title during the premier of VB.... there was no reason to expect those to not be on it aside from a time gap. no she isn’t a conventional artist but that doesn’t mean she can’t do conventional things. she’s talked about doing stand-alones and short ep’s before, plenty of times, just never did it. https://www.facebook.com/lanadelrey/photos/a.185862164789575/215620785147046?type=3&sfns=mo post date July 2011, when the album released Jan 2012
  17. tnbar was a surprise, you’re right, BUT but her releasing Yosemite or Roses Bloom For You or any of those other tracks are just as likely as her releasing Your Girl or Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight or any other unreleased track. realistically, it probably won’t happen. and if it does, great, more material for us. but i definitely won’t expect it to happen Looking For America won’t be on an album and if it is, chances are she’s only adding it as a filler. it’s already released and when most artists release stand alone singles, they tend to leave them off to bridge the gaps between albums. this is a common thing.
  18. it definitely happened. but the exact quote i believe was more along the lines of saying “i have a record i’m working on called ‘Music To Watch Boys To’” which got misconstrued as the album title when a lot of artists say “record” meaning “track” so she could’ve meant either thing. as a song or an album. i always took it as she meant it for the album title too don’t expect any of those to be on it honestly... maybe the two songs she did live (IMBSFBSH & HBB), MAYBE but it’s not likely at all, those have either been scrapped or saved for a different unreleased project
  19. i got my shipping email after i emailed them a 3rd time yesterday. and it came right at the end of the day.
  20. Same here, I emailed them again today and still no response or anything. I’m at this point going to get my money back from my bank
  21. What’s annoying is i emailed them and got no response so a few days later I emailed them again and they said (a week ago) it was shipping last week through this week. And still, it’s almost Friday in the US and still no tracking number email. By the end of tomorrow if I don’t hear anything I’ll prolly cancel through my bank too. It’s ridiculous. I can understand “10-15 business days” but it’s been a while ass month by this point. 10-15 business days came and went. I want to support Lana but she’s making it fucking unreasonably hard to do and now idk...
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