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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. There’s even a time stamp for that song “Big Dreams”. 4m:39s. Really interesting
  2. Awesome find!!!! You da best Wasn’t Cactus just a cover too like The Good Life? (Was that registered as well?)
  3. Biggest news is Big Dreams lol I like the title but honestly it could fit the album too. NFR paintings are so well known bc they showcase America. And what’s big in America during (and after) his generation? AMERICAN DREAM. That makes sense, doesn’t it?
  4. Yeah sad to say but Fall is looking more and more like the right answer... idk why we should be surprised tho. Think about it. UV in June, HM in September, LFL in July, maybe this one will be in October?
  5. It’ll also recognize other songs tho too so it’s not 100% trustable. Try Shazaming other popular unreleased Lana tracks (Serial Killer, AFFA, Us Against The World) and it’ll most likely be able to name it but doesn’t mean she’s releasing it
  6. This was always there as far as I know in the one official leaked version we have. It’s really faint at the last few seconds lol
  7. She was 17 when Pure Heroin came out. She was about 19 or 20 by the time they were making Melodrama, she even said that it has a lot of emotions you feel at that age
  8. CAN I JUST SAY ONE LAST THING THAT IS OFF TOPIC IM SORRY FOR OT POSTS RECENTLY BUT I GOTTA SAY THIS has anyone else noticed how (mostly) everyone has gotten along since those couple songs have leaked? It’s almost like LB has been a little different recently (and I hope it stays this way lol)
  9. I remember You Can Be The Boss being the first unreleased I’d heard. I’d listen on YouTube to what was uploaded and what I could find until I found places to download them from. At this point I’ve caught up with all the leaks I think. What a great world we live in with so much material
  10. If not, that could be a good thing artistically. I know I write my best at my worst and I’m 99% sure she does too. That could mean we’ll have a UV 2.0 or something similar. Not trying to say I hope she’s in a bad place but if she is at least she has this medium she can get it out through and we’ll have great music from her at the same time so
  11. “You’re so Art Deco, out on the floor... Baby, you’re so ghetto” This kind of gives a new spin to that song. Especially with this one that says his apartment was art deco styled. And then there’s another page that talks about him living in a crackhouse
  12. Think about it though, wasn’t it Cercei’s fault it all happened? If she would’ve given her throne up for Dany and not killed her friend, she wouldn’t have come back with such vengeance. Dany had to make a point, Cercei felt she was untouchable and didn’t expect her to be a true threat. Even when Dany was burning the city, Cercei was like “Hmm, we just need one shot...” and her Hand is back there like “Uhhh.... the scorpions are destroyed, there’s no more shooting it...” Up until that point, I don’t think she realized she was completely wrong. And she said in the episode before too, “Perhaps it’s good to let the people know Dany was the one who tried to make peace with her. Then they’ll know who’s fault it was when the sky comes falling down on them”
  14. It’s okay!! Thanks for understanding c: im sure it’s not a known issue bc it’s prolly not a BIG issue I just wanted to let everyone know bc I’m mainly on mobile (and I’m sure some others are too) and it causes me problems on here when it’s like that lol
  15. Guys just a friendly reminder (bc it happens on lot on this thread) Please don’t do that kind of thing where you continue saying things like “hahahahaha” for so many lines in runs into a whole paragraph. It fucks the thread up on mobile. I’m not trying to be controlling or an ass, it’s just annoying trying to read a thread that’s outstretched bc someone’s being extra. It moves the entire thread to the left side of the page and the right side is all the theme with this one little line of “hahahahahahaha” going or those random fucked up letters that look like a mess. It continues it as if it’s one full line of a word but it’s not (bc of the spacing) Ik this is off topic kind of but just something to think about when you post next time
  16. I’d love a jazzy record again. I just don’t want what Gaga did with Tony Bennett. I just don’t care for a 90 year old man singing still like he’s still in his 50s. If Gaga did a jazzy record that’d be great if it was by herself. Just like Lana. Call me crazy but they would sound good doing a jazzy album together I’d love this too. IMAGINE A FULL ON ELECTRIC GUITAR HEAVY JAZZY ALBUM if she combined the two.... oh god I think I’d die. It’d be like UV and HM all over again just on another level. Ughhhh If we didn’t get a jazzy album or heavy guitar influences, I’d want a full on psychedelic acid trip album
  17. I honestly hope this era folding into the next will be a quick movement. This eras reminding me a lot of UV pre-release when we heard one thing that seemed real but wasn’t true at all (or at least was in the beginning much like March 26 or 28 w/e) I just want this era to move as quick as she did after UV onto HM. Release this one in June/July and then release the next one next year around September or October. I’d bet money that she’s already worked on at least writing one song for the next album after NFR, especially if she’s finished the book and is binding them (which seems to me what’s realistically going on rn and what’s pushing the album back)
  18. Yeah, I’ll be skipping whatever political tracks are on it. I can’t live in such a negative headspace 24/7 and I’m glad there’s other people who maybe like it but I’m good lol glad you see it the same way. BUT doesnt she have a degree in philosophy? Doesn’t that relate to sociology and social problems? Doesn’t that mean there’s a certain amount of research she’s done on social issues? Maybe at least 12-15 years ago or whenever it was when she was in college. I just think we shouldn’t underestimate someone who’s aware of the “Oh she’s dumb” talks about making statements. That’s the best part is that she knows lol I felt like we for the most part dodged a ballet last round... now that I know she follows CNN, I don’t want political shit... please no...
  19. I agreed with you up until you started talking about her making statements. This doesn’t make sense. You complain that she doesn’t make statements, but then say you think if she did make statements she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. THIS IS WHY SHE DOESNT GIVE STATEMENTS. Because people say exactly this. “Oh create an issue you “believe” in so I feel good about liking you!” And then they do and you hate what they have to say just to go to twitter and complain there or here or tumblr, wherever. (I’ve not seen you do this but that’s what this sounds like....) Why even bother when you’re fully aware nobody else cares what you have to say about politics or social issues? You could try, but you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. So it’s best just to keep your mouth shut, less people would take offense to staying quiet. It’s basic marketing for your brand, that’s where her managers ACTUALLY step in and tell her just to ignore certain things just to stay out of the animosity. & tbh this might be why she thought twice about the political tracks on L4L (and hopefully kept away from politics on NFR too, I don’t care to hear it and I’m just happy not knowing who she supports or doesn’t support, its nothing I give two shits about) Btw I dont mean to sound like an ass I just wanna point out how this sounds to me and how it’s contradictory and how it could explain why she’s the way she is, especially after Brooklyn Baby. “They think I’m too dumb to sing”
  20. Ohhh okay. I didn’t realize, I always thought that was her
  21. Instagram accounts to watch: lanadelrey honeymoon Twitter accounts to watch: LanaDelRey MissDaytona (last post 03/20/2019) VulgarDarling (last post, 12/14/2011) DrugMoney (last post, 01/4/2011) ColumbianCartel (last post 11/9/2009)
  22. I thought so too!! Glad someone else enjoys it, I somehow stumbled upon their music a few days ago and they seem new?
  23. Thanks love!!! I used the original title (bc my keyboard doesn't always work right, so I have to make a mental note to change it but I wanted other people to hear this band so I clicked "POST" so fast, I didn't realize it was fucked up from the start)
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