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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I’d love to hear HTD has an extended outro with Lana adlibbing on the end like VB. That Instagram live vid where she sings “Shake that ass baby... what you gonna do about it babe... sing about it like you mean...” I need that to be in the final track
  2. Okay was gonna edit but it might take some time... my computer is being shitty
  3. It’ll be a lot of digging but when I get home tonight I’ll try to find sources and whatnot
  4. Can I just say... Marina is killing it this era. She’s doing so many music videos and Lana’s just laying in her bed with her tea and thots around her
  5. Yes yes yes!! I’m gonna have to keep the OP updated as we go along and separate them by year. I’ll edit the OP when I get home tonight
  6. I think it’ll be completely opposite bc she said she was leaving the more surfy rock songs for the end of the album a month or two ago
  7. I saw someone mention we should make this a thread a few hundred pages ago in the NFR Pre-Release thread and couldn’t find one. This is a thread for the lies she’s told us and the unfulfilled promises that will probably never actually happen. So I’m starting it. Let’s start off with some of the more obvious lies: 2012: “I’d like to re-release (remake?) my first album [AKA]” 2012: "I'm going to release a video for Dark Paradise" 2017: “I’m thinking about releasing an album of 25 favorite unreleased tracks” 2017: "I'm going to release a video for Cherry" 2017: "Yosemite and BAR will be released as folk singles - possibly in a folky EP." 2018: “Norman Fucking Rockwell will be released top of the new year [2019]” 2019: "Violet will be out Jan 4" [Source] May 2020: "I'll be releasing my album (Chemtrails) September 5" Nov. 2020: "I'm going to digitally release an album of covers for you for Christmas" March 2021: "Rock Candy Sweet out June 1" June 2021: "Blue Banisters out July 4" Feb. 2024: "My new album, Lasso, out this September" (So far, could be still true, July 2024, but likely not, with no announcement/pre-order)
  8. Hope was great, what do you mean????? Lyrically it’s one of her best
  9. Weird... not that it means anything at all and is honestly just my hopeless speculation but the song Movies by Weyes Blood has the line “Put me in a movie” which would be cool if Lana was posting about her record bc of that lyric. Imagine if she was hinting at PMIAM being redone ever so quietly that way (although chances are slim to none that this will ever happen)
  10. I’d feel bad bc I know Lana feels like it’s intruding when it happens but if the whole thing leaked she would probably either 1. scrap it (and we’d have it anyway) or 2. she’d release it and jump to the next album and maybe she would learn to stick with what she says or dont say anything at all. By this point, this woman should know how the music industry works and how being a public figure and a personal brand she should say what her plan for releases should go if they’re actually plausible. If not, keep it under wraps. I’d take a concrete release date, tracklist, or anything instead if I could trade that info for the snippets she’s shared. I’d listen to it for sure. But I’d feel bad for Lana more on a personal level. But this chick has to learn by now...
  11. The only unreleased song I feel fits this concept of “I’m already hurt” “I’m/you’re so bad I’m/you’re like a killer” is serial killer. What if she finally redid it??
  12. Although it was released she also redid Yayo. I’d like to hear her remake Pawn Shop Blues or something like that for this one
  13. To Lana it doesn’t matter. If it was up to her, she’d release any time of the year when she wants to. That’s what’s funny about a lot of this conversation about other artists bc if it actually was due to an oversaturated releasing schedule, that would be the label’s choice whether to allow the release or not. She’s said it herself that she likes a window of 14-16 months between albums which is what happened with UV and HM so we know that’s truly how she’d do it if she was allowed (which works better, given the self-massacre she did to LFL by waiting too long and changing it) Bc she’s been so quiet, I’m not sure if it’s Lana’s decision that’s making the wait longer or her label but I’d put money on the latter
  14. Which might have an interview? Does V Mag do interviews with their cover person?
  15. So I’ve watched the entire show all the way through twice now and since then, I started reading the books I’ve finished the first book and now I’m into the second. Has anyone else read these? Holy shit, they’re epic. Without spoiling much, the first season follows the book almost word for word at some points. The second book for me starts out the same as the second season but I’ve heard there’s differences between the show and the books so I’m not sure when that’ll happen.
  16. I’ve said this a couple times now but the songs directly reference the album. VB references Norman Rockwell, while MAC references VB Not officially, no. It’s not been said by anyone in Interscope, Jack, or Lana herself.
  17. I was listening to BTD again and it reminded me that she usually goes with her title track within the first 2 spots on the tracklist. That could probably put NFR first as the opening track, and what I’d like to see is VB 2nd and MAC 3rd since she ends that track with “Are you ready for it?” And then transitioning into MAC. Side note, I feel like VB goes better before MAC rather than the way they were released (MAC -> VB)
  18. What is this “go faster than my fastest cars” snippet wtf.... WHY DO WE GET MORE SNIPPETS OF SOMETHING THAT ISNT FUCKING COMING OUT SOON yet still ignored about a release date or any other news..... yawn
  19. I’m surprised I didn’t see any “ITS OFFICIAL: LANA ANNOUNCED NFR RELEASE DATE” April fools day jokes lmao
  20. Honestly it would've been better if the instrumental was more like the live version there's no point, it'll be unlocked again so lets just leave it open
  21. My rants? I’ve ranted about her? Pull the receipts before you start talking like you know someone. I’ve not talked about her but maybe once or twice when she was brought up on this site. Thanks bye
  22. I haven’t heard of her until I was on here. She’s irrelevant to this site but people keep bringing her up
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