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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. August but double check with the official VMA twitter before thinking it’s true
  2. MAC might be about Chase bc it seems like it references a more recent time frame. Cinnamon seems to be more about someone in her past, the same guy as the guy referenced in Is This Happiness (referencing the pills, Hunter S Thompson, etc) so maybe Barrie? I can’t remember if he was who ITH was about but I would assume so bc of the time frame and who other songs were about on that album
  3. RANT INCOMING: Can we please stfu about the album title “not working” for the label or the Rockwell estate? It keeps coming up time after time and it’s been said by NOT ONLY LANA’s MANAGER but a Rockwell estate family member too.... this is so old I’m sorry I’m not trying to be a dick but please, STOP SAYING THINGS THAT ARE NOT TRUE AND HAVE BEEN PROVEN NOT TRUE. This is getting so annoying omg... I’m just so tired of the same regurgitated bs that started by someone as a joke that people actually believe... Sorry that topic is moot and annoying now ugh (and I’m not just going off on one singular person, people keep bringing this up and it’s getting old) Anyway, yes the album is finished, mastered etc unless she decided to work on it again
  4. Can we please have a proper Flipside on this album please please Lana I'm begging you
  5. Didn’t she have a college degree in philosophy? I don’t think she’s an airhead
  6. Well it depends on who it is. Some artists are allowed to release literally any time they want (I’m not sure about Lana). I could see a surprise album release if she kept it as low key as it’s been recently. Meaning her ignoring it as of lately
  7. I don’t understand the connection of the sun picture or why the date of his birth has anything to do with it? I’m confused can you please explain so I can understand it better \•_•/
  8. Twitter. Just a poem lol she posted it again after she deleted it
  9. Did anyone just see her post that she deleted? Edit, it’s back
  10. I just really want Lana to bring back that “Crazy y cubano como yo” type shit back. Bring back the Spanish, mom, please
  11. And I do get that, I really do. But that’s her personal life. I just don’t see why it needs to be so deep. I guess some might “stan harder” and have more feelings about that but I just can’t personally allow her choices for herself and her life to effect mine. I’m not excusing it at all, she knows her stans are prolly about 60-70% LGBT. She’s fully aware. I hate organized religion as much as anyone else but it’s her life. We can complain as much as we want, the album slowly rolling out or her church choice or her friend choice but at the end of the day, the end result isn’t her running around saying “GOD HATES F@GS”. She’s just doing what she feels she needs to do for herself in HER life. Bc it is her life. And if we don’t let her live it out, she’ll have no material to write about. And that isn’t selfish, whatsoever. I’m not saying other people have no reason to be upset either, by all means, feel whichever way you want, I just think it’s petty and shows how bad stan culture truly is if we want her to fail bc of some minute choice (which she probably only goes there bc she has friends who go there)
  12. I just don’t see the point of being a “fan” and wanting her to fail. I know your post is sarcastic so maybe you can answer.... why are you all here if you want her to fail? This album isn’t made only for us. It’s made for herself, like UV and HM. I’m just as annoyed and frustrated as anyone else but I don’t want her to fucking fail. I mean... how repulsive yikes
  13. Thanks!! I've edited it now!
  14. My baby likes me fresh in my white kicks I’m sweet like cherry pie & he likes this I buy him drinks & he buys me cigarettes He thinks that we’re a little bit like Romeo & Juliet Throw me round like a hot potato If you want the butter then say so If it’s wrong, b-but it’s okay though It’s okay though Baby, ghetto love Mama know’s I like the bad boys Baby, ghetto love Just like daddy was a bad boy Ooooo, ahhh, Take me out tonight Baby save my life Ooohhh Take me out tonight Baby save my life True love, true love true love It never dies, it never dies, it never dies True love, true love, true love It never dies, it never dies My baby likes me fresh in my white kicks He thinks it’s a little like “Hair, tits, lips, zips” It doesn’t matter that I do my lipstick All day long, all day long My baby likes me fresh in my white kicks Yeah, Bonnie & Clyde, we're just like them He thinks a little like we're polka dot & dress up He like my hair long Baby, ghetto love You know no one loves you better as… Baby, ghetto love You can be if you know better Ooooo, oooo Take me out tonight Baby save my life Ooooo, oooo Take me out tonight Baby save my life Save my life, save my life Save my life, save my life Save my life, save my life Save my life, save my life Cause true love never dies Swear I won't, once I see you when I die True love never dies Baby ghetto love Mama knows I like them bad boys Baby, ghetto love Just like daddy was a bad boy True love, true love, true love It never dies, it never dies, it never dies True love, true love, true love It never dies, it never dies, it never dies ------- Some I couldn't exactly make out so if someone else could help? Also, wasn't sure if she's saying "ghetto love" but it sounds like that to me (and makes sense in reference to other tracks)
  15. You don’t know how radio works do you? When they have votes like those, the highest voted tracks stay on the playlist so....
  16. Hope is a dangerous thing for a stan like me to have...
  17. To make her fail? Just to shoot ourselves in the foot, thinking it “teaches her a lesson” when all it does is hurt her income? That’s kind of fucked up. Sorry but I’m continuing supporting her bc I’m not that petty I just don’t see the point... I couldn’t think of something more discouraging than her own fans shitting on her when she’s doing more than one thing at a time
  18. Where is this comment from? That’s the only way to know the context
  19. I’m pretty sure they’re magazine shots, she said they’re coming out today
  20. Noticed that too and wondered... come on Lana at least be accurate
  21. Definitely interesting. There’s a good point here but it’s not 100% concrete. Album sampler teaser also came out July 13 for LFL, and we got an album sampler on September 10 for Honeymoon
  22. And they’re at the same label aren’t they? That would make sense. Or maybe it’s that it’s a more personal album for herself again and she’s waiting for the right time for herself to be ready to put it out there
  23. Seriously I thought after hearing from his family we’d be done with that. It’s tired lol
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