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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. That’s true. This era reminds me of the UV era where she didn’t talk much about it except announcing stuff and releasing singles leading up to the release the month of
  2. She’s said many things, it’s Lana we’re talking about lol Plus, who knows, maybe Interscope wanted more tracks too. Maybe it was the Billie English thing or whatever. I wish she’d just talk. At least let us know it’s comign. That Instagram live where she said “Who cares right?” made me so mad because some shithead said that back that no one cares and she’s like “Right? Exactly who cares” and ever since she’s just been quiet except the HIADT release Idk I’d hope she isn’t pushing her music back for a damn book. Don’t get me wrong, I wanna read it but like.... I’d rather hear some music first
  3. Seriously guys stream if you can!!! I looked it up and it takes 100 streams to pay an artist roughly $0.60 ...... so if you can stream your favorite artists a bunch, you’ll help their wallets so they can make more albums And I know this is kind of already a lesser important thing because album sales still are important too and streams are less and this is kind of randomly placed here but !!!!! Stream, stream, S T R E A M please!!!! Because as much as you guys listen to music, I know the artists deserve getting paid and it’s something I never thought about until recently so now I’m trying to stream as much as I can when I listen to music so my favorites can get some extra pocket change c:
  4. Honestly... would it surprise anyone if she finished working with Jack and started working again with Emile or Rick for a few more tracks? Maybe she finished the record and then had a really good idea for a couple extra tracks with one of them and she’s doing those for a deluxe or special edition?
  5. Thank you for this little detail lol I hate hearing hate for stuff we haven’t fully heard yet but that’s an interesting (and fresh/new) point. The IYC snippet could be a part of HIAB possibly but if it’s not, even if it’s a different track it keeps the record cohesive
  6. I’m thinking that what happened was this Billie chick had her album ready and Lana’s was ready and Interscope asked Lana what date she’d like, which happened to be the same as this Billie chick and they were like “Well look, we’ve got another for that date, you need extra time? Or maybe want to change it to a better time where it’s just yours releasing?” And Lana was like “Eh yeah sure I don’t mind I’ll be chill af” and they’re like “Thanks fam we got you” so maybe it’s them doing Lana a solid Side note: I really want a full album of songs made by Lana & Blake while they’re high
  7. I really like his art I just wish the heads didn’t all look like aliens so much
  8. That’s what I’m hoping for tbh lol guess we’ll know for sure once it drops
  9. Pretty When You Cry. Just her voice over the guitars sounds so fucking amazing, I don’t understand why she won’t do anything like it anymore. Maybe NFR will have something like it (hopefully VB isn’t NFR’s PWYC)
  10. Yawn I think the worst part is how boring it is having to wait for the full thing. At least Marina should release her record that she’s been teasing for the past year and a half
  11. It’s either birthdays or church, make a decision can she do anything?
  12. That’s gonna be the disappointing thing for me. I’ll want an album that goes with it lol
  13. I can see why you’d say that I mean. It’s been kind of crazy this past few months and I think it would’ve been cool if she would’ve just kept it under wraps until a later date. Maybe a “Yes I’ve got an album but I’ll tell you more when it’s closer to releasing”
  14. Okay and? I’m not constantly in that thread because it’s not as important as everyone is making it out to be. It’s not that big a deal tbh. I never said anyone is calling her anti gay either please read my posts before quoting me and getting all upset over what I said I mean yikes did I say something that hit a nerve? Damn. We know nothing of her “support” status of it and for all we know she’s just there maybe to support a friend? We know nothing about this and it has nothing to do with the record so I still don’t know why this keeps coming up in this thread in the first place. It’s not getting anyone anywhere arguing about it The child abuse thing is a completely other thing tho, I will say that You guys are so bored lol On a side note there may be a new single this month!! So I mean, that’s something lol
  15. Did everyone forget she literally performed at the fucking Ally Coalition last month??? Everyone keeps judging her decision to do what she wants where she wants because she’s going to an “anti gay” church yet we don’t have all the facts and she did a pro-gay concert a month ago. Yikes... she can’t do anything without being judged for it
  16. IYC is only a fan title, as far as we know that’s not even the name of it so searching for that won’t come up with it anyway
  17. Guys chill. Lana always waits until the month of or month before to start an era. Even if we’ve started already and we’re in this era, then she’d still wait until the month before or month of. She does this every time
  18. Disco has 7 different takes during a session. They can be considered demos because the track was never fully completed or intended to be released. I didn’t say instrumentals or acapellas are demos, are you confused?????????? I meant you could consider acapellas demos if they’re early enough because the idea is to use it to draw from for the final product. You can look this up on google, “What makes a track a demo” I didn’t say EVERY acapella or instrumental counts as a demo. It doesn’t. An instrumental is an instrumental, while an acapella could be a demo depending on what it was used for. Just because you’re a Lana stan doesn’t make you profecient in music theory and the process of how music is made. So Good is a demo. It’s that simple. The lyrics are even different from the final version. It doesn’t make it an “alt mix” it’s simply a demo. Look up the definition of a “song demo” before you try to “spill tea” on a subject you obviously don’t understand. I swear, toxic stan culture is to say “IM RIGHT EVEN WHEN I DONT KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT BECAUSE THIS IS MY OPINION AND IM RIGHT SIS BC I SAY SO AND MY OPINION IS SUPERIOR TO FACTS BECAUSE I THINK SO” when it has nothing to do with opinion. This needs to end. And I’m not just trying to call out one person, this goes for every “stan” I’ve met in the pop music scene. There’s always someone who thinks they’re right even if someone else is telling them the truth of a situation and they don’t want to be wrong or admit they’re wrong. Btw, most early mixes use the same instrumental as the finished version, but it’s not polished, it could be missing certain effects on the vocals or on the instrumental, which isn’t added in yet. So there may be another mix of Venice Bitch where it’s missing some of the effects used on that track. That’s MOST mixes that aren’t intended for release. A radio mix just simply means it’s a different mix that’s made specifically to be more radio friendly and to get more airplay. Think of it as an advertisement version. Woah essay over.
  19. A demo is a demonstration of a song, used for and meant to be a reference resource for the final product. So Good is a demo for Summer Bummer. It has changed vocals and the instrumental is slightly different. The West Coast Radio Mix is exactly that, simply a mixed version of the final track. It could’ve been done before or after the final album version was done, but it’s still an alternate mix. Not a demo. The BP leak we have is a demo for what came later. A demo is simply a rough draft, it can be an early acapella or an early piano track. Some like to label acapellas as “acapella version” but it’s still a sort of demo. Labeling a track as an “Acapella Demo” is actually more correct than just a demo or an acapella. A demo has a definition. There’s no opinions about it, there’s no “to me, a demo is”. A demo is a demo.
  20. Born To Die says hello. There’s definitely demo versions of the HM tracks and if there’s multiple versions, I wouldn’t be surprised. The title track I wouldn’t expect demos for, maybe an acapella but probably not a different version with different lyrics. MTWBT was done early on for the album, she talked about that track the week after UV released so I’d expect maybe 2-3 different versions of that one maybe. Just because it was done early on.
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