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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I’m sure he’s good to some maybe. I just couldn’t listen more than a minute or two lol glad we’re in the same boat at least
  2. I think she’s very close to scratching the surface of her inner Lizzy songwriting/singing skills. Lizzy and Lana sound completely different to me, yet familiar
  3. I can’t remember but does anyone know which unreleased song Lana says “Set the world on fire and it looks gorgeous” or beautiful or something? I can’t remember but I heard that line and loved it the other night
  4. I’ve never been able to actually like Ariana Grande. I tried and tried again until I stopped about 2 minutes into each song I heard. I just, i can’t— Another weird one, I really don’t get the hype for Troy Silver or whatever his name is. I just couldn’t after a few minutes
  5. Wasn’t there a group of people who wanted Marina to be in this show? Like to voice a character
  6. This lyric!!!!!! Fuck I can’t wait for this record to be on my phone and to be able to play it on repeat nonstop like I always do with UV. Ughhhhh in my car she’s a star and she’s playin on the radio (how do u like her now?)
  7. Moving on Why was there a sudden influx of a bunch of users on this thread and then they all left? Lmao
  8. I didn’t say u said u are??????? I replied bc most “leakers” are only looking for attention I’m not sure if ur posts are a joke but I mean Do u read ur own posts???? U literally said “U guys need to get a job etc” THAT shit is unnecessary
  9. Ha I’m not being rude. If ur hurt by what I said u need to get ur priorities straight Leakers are known for their stupid attention seeking bullshit In ur case, idk what ur doing. Ur only ever here maybe once a month? I don’t mind u being around, just don’t talk down to ppl like ur some hot shit bc ur not Ur no better than anyone here
  10. If we have to praise Yosemite I’m gonna start a cult about Vegemite
  11. I need the tea!! Let’s make a group chat so everyone gets tea spilt at the same time lol
  12. Ironic, coming from u lmao Anyway, when is ur next leak? Or do u have anything to leak at all? Ur post “find ur own leak” makes it seem like ur out of tracks
  13. I’d rather her do a jazz cover tbh. I like that song but I don’t think it’s worthy lol
  14. She said might. She said she had one already shot but wasn’t sure because Ben wanted her to reshoot it so she might because she had a different idea for it before but she also might just go with what she’s already got
  15. I used to love them so much and just recently I heard them and went back and played Ceremonials and remembered what a life changer that record was.
  16. Ahhhhhhh okay disregard. I was actually thinking it was coolridge cause I knew it was a weird name for a first/middle name and it shook me for a sec because I’d never seen this before and the registeration company was different so it didn’t make sense lol thanks guys
  17. I know this probably isn’t anything to do with Lana, plenty of other artists could have her name... but has anyone else noticed there’s a track on BMI called Bewitched written by ELIZABETH C GRANT and JOHN TEXAS HAYNES I have no idea if it’s even reliable as a possible Lana track because she usually is registered to ASCAP but I found it interesting. I’d never seen it registered before so if it is Lana it could be a newer registered track? Idk
  18. Not necessarily true. It’s not that she doesn’t give a fuck anymore about her music. Being quiet =/= quitting music. Please stop She’s been writing and making music for 15+ years now (2005’s Sirens being the earliest I know of being recorded) and she’s said herself, if you want to make it, you have to keep going. She’s made it but I don’t think she’ll just stop. It wouldn’t make any sense. People have been saying this since UV when she said she almost quit making the album after parts leaked. When will this FUD end
  19. I’m quite okay with this if that means she’ll begin work on the next and release another next year with a short time span between the two. Like how UV and HM happened. I love both of those records and she began working on HM at least the week UV was released, which came out a little over a year later. I remember her saying she wants to release them about 14-16mo apart. Those records were the highlight of her career thus far tbh I’m not saying I want rushed projects but I have a weird feeling shes not doing too much for this one because it’s another UV situation. She’ll end up releasing it and then skipping to the next if she isn’t already writing for another one now. Remember when she said it’s some sad girl shit. If she’s referring to the song, maybe it’s so meaningful to her that it’s hard to just put out there like UV kind of was. If she’s just meaning it’s a sad record overall, well then maybe it’s just simply sad and I’m over-expecting...
  20. I’m 99% sure by the end of this month, we’ll know more. End of March is further away than beginning of March. There’s plenty of time to put it on stream sites and iTunes for preorder. Some artists don’t even announce anything until the week of “Hey guys my album is out Friday xo” Inb4 NFR is the lead single and this “March 29” date is for that track........
  21. She’s handing out that pussy to anyone who asks Er, I mean Pepsi
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