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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. She writes and sings about God on every album in some way, mostly in the affirmative/positive. That didn’t happen by accident. Even MAC on NFR! refers to Jesus, who “stilled the waters” according to the Bible. That doesn’t mean she’s ‘born again,’ but she might be in her heart, who knows?
  2. It's a really nice title, 'real' but unknown to most as such, and mysterious, like a fantasy landscape. It also harks back a little to the Southern California musical vibe of the 1970s. It would of course also fit in with the 'move away from the city' theme she's been singing about a lot recently, if in fact any of those songs actually refer to her own feelings and not a character's.
  3. Has it been proven to be incorrect? Maybe one of the songs has that title, or the lead single, or what she wanted to be the lead single some time ago?
  4. Maybe, just maybe, this is why 'Crazy For You' and 'Sugary Sweet' weren't leaked, because they would certainly dilute, among the Stans, the impact of the upcoming Taylor collaboration. I think there's good sense in this. If we had full leaks of both, the Taylor collab would probably pale beside them.
  5. I still find 'IYLDWM' so seductive and catchy...it gets under your skin and then you wake up with it running through your mind...I could easily see how it could bring in new listeners or be highly recommended via word of mouth and help push BB. 'Dealer' obviously made a splash on TikTok, probably because the mass of young and younger people are attracted to dynamic, 'different,' and more 'open,' 'available,' and easily digestible music. The 'novelty' factor helps. But I can't see a mass audience for 'Beautiful' and especially not for 'Sweet Carolina.' Songs about siblings, parents, and babies or young children don't mesh well with the youth audience, especially when song directly to the individual(s) in question. I think the perception is that they date/age the singer or artist. I think the good thing is that, over time, people who listen to hear really start to 'hear' her and want more, and then find all the grand diversity of her work.
  6. I agree. It's not as if most of Lana's singles, or 'announced new songs,' like LMLYLAW or 'Arcadia,' have made very big ripples in the world for some time. Her 'Buddy's Rendezvous' cover probably made the most recently, and it didn't even receive a digital release. Even 'Watercolor Eyes' seemed to make more of an impact, because it was heavily promoted. Who really anticipated 'LMLYLAW' once a few snippets were heard? And I don't think the video aired on late night television generated much interest either. So I think we could still see some sort of single release this year.
  7. I think of it as a novelty track, which is not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself. I rarely play it.
  8. Right. She is clearly continuously creative; she likes to work. She hasn’t stopped since she took on the LDR stage name.
  9. (Of course) I have to hear it first, but I'm not a Taylor fan, so I hope it's not something like the overt would-be 'hit' that 'Lust For Life' became on the album of the same name. Maybe it will be fantastic. I want art and craft, not commerce or ‘product.’
  10. At least we can 'kind of' expect LDR9 to be a project she's spent a lot of thought and time on, and given few clues about, which, all in all, I think will turn out to be a good thing. I liked COCC and BB a great deal, but BB felt a bit rushed to me due to the inclusion of the leaked tracks, which make me think of it more as an EP.
  11. I love this thread because I have the most unpopular LDR opinions of anyone, I believe, and it’s nice to know there’s a place for them should I want to share them. But of course having a place to share them doesn’t equate to ‘no blowback.’ I am glad posters are much less hateful here than they used to be. The ‘block this user’ feature is everyone’s best friend. I probably have the longest block list of anyone too. But I haven’t had to block anyone in since the pre-pre-release thread for ‘NFR!’
  12. I remember before the internet and smartphones when you had to guess if your favorite artist was in the studio or even going to make another album anytime soon. Music magazines would sometimes get vague updates, timelines, or release dates—and that was it. Very little hand-wringing in that era.
  13. ‘If I Were A Butterfly,’ the song, by Rayland Baxter. Check it out, it’s trippy and amazing.
  14. It’s one of my Top 10 LDR songs. To me, it’s the archetypal or prototypical LDR song.
  15. I agree about the title, it’s clumsy, but if real, may be being used because it fits into the music in terms of syllables.
  16. Uugghh, no ‘YTH’! We already have a dozen versions and I feel it’s completely played out. And that would be the case with different lyrics, no matter how different. ‘WCE,’ it’s been officially released, we already have it, and it’s just okay. I’d rather have all-new tracks or older tracks reworked about which we knew nothing, like ‘IYLDWM.’
  17. As I said upon its release, to me, 'VFR' is the big sister of 'America.' I love Lana partially because she addresses all aspects of life, like all great artists and songwriters, not just the upbeat, happy side and not just the sad, downbeat side--she covers it all. 'VFR' is, I think, a very genuine expression of post-COVID release and sense of freedom again, as well as a beautiful expression of new personal strength and ability to adapt and move on. As an amateur horticulturist, I love the plant references and lines like "Larchmont Village smells like lilies of the valley." I agree--the 'jazzy spirit" is still within her and it will be interesting to see how she develops it. By the way, if JA did say 'TJF' was bombastic, that I would disagree with.
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