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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. And I don’t deny that what you see in it is legitimate, 100%. I LOVE ‘Ride,’ ‘Old Money,’ ‘Yosemite,’ ‘IYLDWM’ And VFR—those are my all-time favorites, but I wouldn’t be offended if you said you thought they were her worst—whether you knew my opinion about them or not. None of us see things in exactly the same way. As far as Lana being offended by something said here, it’s a forum for her Stans and fans, and, as a public figure, she must know that not even a Stan is going to like or love everything she produces, and also that when you get up on a public stage to perform, you have to expect some people to applaud and others to boo or walk out or to review it badly after the fact.
  2. It’s not the lyrics or meaning of the lyrics, it’s the overall flatness and redundancy of the music and delivery. No one is saying a negative experience of the track is gospel truth in any objective manner; you’re offended perhaps because your feelings are hurt by negative responses to the song, or the same pushed your nose out of joint. Why is it that people can just LOVE SOMETHING TO THE MOON IN GUSHING LANGUAGE, but other people, in the same forum, cannot do the same to express a negative opinion? 90% here LOVE the song but one person says the song “is a turd” and that’s offensive and upsetting?
  3. I’m telling you, it’s the Carly Simon influence she grew up with activating in her unconscious. And they’re both Cancers.
  4. It’s fine to express strong opinions, just do it civilly and don’t be offended by civilly-expressed opinions that differ from your own.
  5. I love BB the album and COCC the album, they’re two of my favorites out of my three favorites, and I think it sounds like LMLYLAW, very much so.
  6. Gospel truth, and well said. The melody isn’t strong or new either. WHY in heaven’s name did they release this, out of 14 non-interlude tracks? ‘Crazy for You’ sounded so much better.
  7. Personally, I would like to see Lana do some thing really politically incorrect again, like the original version of ‘Live or Die.’ Some thing with teeth.
  8. Hopefully they’ll wait and see what the perspective is from a lyrical standpoint. The Tori Amos song was definitely a pro-woman, if not necessarily feminist, point of view.
  9. It doesn’t have to be a big noisy or dramatic catharsis, even a subtle shift, as in IYLDWM and especially in VFR is enough, or earlier in ‘Bel-Air.’
  10. For me, right now, the problem is that there’s no catharsis, no real emotional catharsis, no change in her emotional state, at the end. It is sad that she’s forgotten like the tunnel under Ocean Boulevard, or feels that she is, but it’s that’s where she was when the song started. So it feels a little like a flat sea to me.
  11. A&W HAS to be about the iconic, if now somewhat old-fashioned, American root beer brand and fast food chain. That gives me hope, as I am not (yet) a great fan of the new track.
  12. Is there 3 covers being passed around, one in color?
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