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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. Perhaps it was ‘future music’ at one point, like one of the many then-new songs she cut from BB when it changed direction. Maybe before the change, what we know as BB was Del Norte County. How do we know it was custom made?
  2. Or maybe her merchandising team did create it, and DNC was a song cut from NFR!, COCC, or BB. I said that months ago, though, at least six months ago, and more than once.
  3. Why not Democratic National Committee? Doesn’t LDR profess to be a Democrat, and she comes from a likely Democrat family, as 80% of people in New York State are? That’s what DNC means to most people in America.
  4. Yes, that means there are more happy people and Lana fans on the planet and that’s a good thing for everyone.
  5. Yup, and that’s the only BB track besides the interlude that I don’t care for (and the interlude because I’ve known the original for over a decade). I don’t mind the refrain on BB, but the choruses, with their name-dropping, seem to have been written too casually.
  6. I still have not taken to it; I am glad so many are. I’d go even further, though I do not consider a lot of the NFR! songwriting great or very good either.
  7. We have to think 'outside the box' and not seek it through the multiple usual channels, I think he means.
  8. Why thank you. I do think LDR entered the Tori Amos category, and approached the Joni Mitchell category, with ‘Swan Song,’ ‘13 Beaches,’ ‘Heroin,’ ‘Hope,’ and ‘WFWF.’
  9. I’m anxious for a second track to have something more to judge the whole with. If I get 3-4 songs I really like, I’m happy.
  10. It sure looks as if it would be. If we keep searching for that image, someone may have posted it without realizing it or without knowing they should not have.
  11. Who remembers actual candy necklaces? Are they still made? I haven’t seen one for years.
  12. That's why I feel we'll get more singles before it drops. With Christmas, New Year's, and the other winter holidays ahead, people's minds--maybe not ours--will be on other things and activities, and then at least in a good part of the world in the upper hemisphere, winter sets in and is long and grueling, even if relatively mild. It's isolating and you're stuck indoors, for the most part, even if you enjoy winter sports. People get depressed and restless. So to keep the momentum going, teasing us with data and then dropping a single, say, in mid-January and another at the end of February seems like something Lana and her team may do.
  13. I also prefer, greatly, 'Arcadia,' but: 'OB' is a completely different animal from 'Arcadia.' 'OB' expresses universal feelings of sadness, loneliness, isolation, and loss, whereas 'Arcadia' is an almost purely personal statement, especially towards the end, when she speaks about the way she's been treated, and why she's leaving. 'Arcadia' is many times more positive and self confident, otherwise she wouldn't be describing her body in that manner. I do wish she had said 'breasts' instead of 'chest.' I'm with you. There's no reason to call another's opinion 'tasteless.'
  14. I think one or two more singles will drop and then the track list will come the week of 3/10 or on that day.
  15. And mine, as a LOVER of BB except, ironically, for the title track: 1) IYLDWM 2) VFR 3) Arcadia 4) WFWF 5) BBS I have to exclude the leaked tracks, which I love, but which I have been listening to for years and years. I do like the original version of 'Thunder' much better.
  16. Thank you kindly. I appreciate your saying so. I have older siblings who listen to a lot of 70s music, and so I became acquainted with Carly Simon's work from all periods, and while she's always been dismissed by the critics as 'coming from a NYC upper middle family who bought her a career, who writes about the middle class'--does some of that sound familiar?--it's true her father was the Simon of 'Simon & Shuster'--but I consider her a genuine artist, though she did, later in her career (much of which is still brilliant) churn out some would-be hits that were clearly just concoctions. Look at Blondie--they've written songs about aliens (twice), 'the Palestinian/Israeli' conflict, the Beatles, an interstellar space race, bank robberies, suicidal young lovers, hoboes, juvenile delinquents, ESP, gay mafia members, 'sex offenders,' etc.--nothing is off the table in terms of subject or theme for them. And the same is true of Kate Bush, who shared several subjects with Blondie and wrote about secret government sound experiments, bank robberies, inter-country theft in Europe, Houdini, ghosts and hauntings, Aboriginal bush traditions and myths, spreading her mother's ashes, suicide, an act of incest leading to pregnancy (and then suicide), 'making deals with God,' budding psychopaths being sheltered by their mothers, Wilhelm Reich, drowning witches, the earth being destroyed by an asteroid as the planet waits and watches and the seas rise, etc. So any subject is worthy and 'on the table.' Nothing should be off limits. Bush even wrote 'The Infant Kiss,' suggested by the 1962 film, 'The Innocents,' about two young children possessed--or not possessed--by ghosts (is it only in the governess's mind?), and Bush sings about a young boy kissing her romantically and her initial attraction and then her comprehension of what was taking place and her rejection of the act. So I don't care what Lana sings about, theoretically, which is why I love 'Live or Die' in the original--to me it's one of the great songs of all time, at least in the rock tradition, as Lana, or the narrator/speaker/singer, a cheerleader of death and carnage, cheers while slaughtering people randomly--to me, it's a brilliant look into a psychopathic mind, and a female one. In the past, she steps into other skins a lot more frequently than she does now. So 'OB' could bring us anything and hopefully does. It seems like Lana's wheelhouse is emotions, relationships, feelings, disappointment, frustration, longing, etc., but there was a time when people thought that that was all that Kate Bush could sing about too.
  17. I don't relate to TS at all and don't understand the mania of her Standom, but it's there, people enjoy her, and I leave it at that.
  18. It's only a matter of 'is it good or is it bad?", 'do I like it or do I not like it?,' 'Is it saccharine or deeply felt?" I gave a lot of examples of songs by Carly Simon that are beautiful and universal even though they're about her family, parents, and siblings, and 'Danny's Song' too, by Kenny Loggins. Obviously, Lana can write about whatever she wants to, and then find some love it, some like it, some don't care for it, some dislike it intensely. And I agree 'not everything is relatable,' which is why I stressed that 'Dance 'Til We Die' and 'For Free' are not, at heart, about children or careers in the music industry.
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