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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. So wait--the Interview video is a year old? Sorry--I thought it was new. Then it's meaningless to this discussion here.
  2. She has made weird phrasing and pronunciation choices in the past, like the odd phrasing and emphasis of the word 'parents' in 'Coachella,' and the way she sings "people are powerful beins" in 'Change,' which ruins the song for me. And there's some on COCC too, the album, in NAWWAL, "it wasn't quite what I meaned, if you know what I mean." I'm confident there are other examples on other albums.
  3. At least we know something is very likely coming soon. Interview wouldn't likely be featuring her now if nothing was due in the next 1-3 months. I hope it's not the poetry album unless it's released simultaneously with the Standards or LDR9 albums.
  4. Since she just posted about how much she loves her first poetry album, isn’t it likely that what’s coming next is Behind the Iron Gates? Not that that is my preference.
  5. I don’t care what order the songs are in. I usually just unnumber all the songs and listen to them alphabetically.
  6. I've never compared the two here, I've only said which I preferred. I don't think they're much alike in any way. Honeymoon is more of a single piece, and LFL is like a smorgasbord offering a little bit of everything, a LDR sampler.
  7. LFL was light-hearted? I'm a big fan of that record, with definite exceptions, but I would hardly call '13B,' 'Heroin,' 'WTWWAWWKOD,' 'Cherry,' 'IMF,' 'WM', "Change,' or 'SB' "light-hearted." I don't find any of Lana's albums 'light-hearted.' She has light-hearted tracks here and there, but every album is littered with darkness, with perhaps COCC being the least dark. Even a song like 'Arcadia' has some darkness. I'm up, however, for light-hearted Lana on LDR9, as I do like a lot of her more light-hearted songs (like 'Radio,' but definitely not 'Groupie Love')
  8. Do you all know 'She Devil' by Natalie Merchant? It's an outtake from her 'Ophelia' album, though why it was cut I'll never understand. Listen on YouTube; the great studio version is 5:56. It sounds something like 'Honeymoon,' the song, and has horns. I'd love for some of LDR9 or the Standards album to sound like it---a slow burn. Also: I'd love to see Lana tackle, as a cover, Timi Yuro's obscure but brilliant and passionate song 'Interlude' from the 1968 film of the same name. Youtube has the great 3:19 version available in good quality. Yuro was an Italian-American singer, and the song was written by late Georges Delerue, who is right up there with Ennio Morricone in my book. Maybe Rob is producing? (joke)
  9. Perfect sense. I think fans and Stans will tend to find those songs hit or miss. If Lana were to write and sing about her first child, some would find it very moving even if not great musically, because of what it represents, whereas that it was about her child wouldn't make a hill of difference to others if they didn't care for the song as a song. Just as some people swoon over any protest song, because they put the cause under review ahead of the quality of the song itself.
  10. But popular musical history teaches us that artists often start writing about their family, children, and friends at midlife or a kind of midpoint in their careers. Except for passionate songs about their spouses or lovers, these are usually not met with very open arms.
  11. The Beach Boys have a song called Pacific Coast Highway and there's also a famous 80s porn video with that title. Edit: I see someone else mentioned the Beach Boys also have a song called PCH. But no one mentioned Lance & Leo.
  12. I'm open to whatever Lana releases next. I'm the least enthusiastic about the Nikki Lane project, but I'll take whatever comes. I'd personally love to see the American Standards album, especially after BR. It could open entirely new jazz doors for her, and the choice of songs available to her is vast. A double album would be great.
  13. Yup. I think that's all one can hope for, is 1-3 good songs, or songs you like a great deal. And that's true of almost any artist.
  14. It's about his kids, he probably has no objectivity.
  15. Time will tell what LDR9 sounds like, but when I heard COCC and BB, I thought of Carly Simon's 70s albums, like 'Playing Possum,' 'Another Passenger,' and 'Boys in the Trees.' And some years ago, Lana said she "grew up in a Carly Simon household." So though she seemed to be saying she was not a CS fan, when I hear VFR, IYLDWM, COCC, NAWWAL, and others, I think they sound very much like Carly Simon songs, especially VFR. And CS then, and Lana now, are about the same age. Things other than passion become priorities.
  16. As a fan of COCC and BB for the most part, I don't think Lana sounds bored. To me, she sounds happy and at relative peace. I think she's just reflecting her maturity at 36 years old. When she says, "I want someone to walk home from the mall and eat ice cream with," I believe her. We know she's given up the life she led and the career goals she had at the time of BTD/P and just after, being an international beauty and style guru as well as an artist. It may be that she's learned, finally, not to fall for bad boys and destructive guys, and thus her focus is now elsewhere musically, instead of composing sad, dramatic and sometimes masochistic songs like 'TBD,' 'Religion,' '13 Beaches,' and 'California.' If I may, it may be some STANS who are bored with her current output, and are unintentionally projecting that onto Lana. I can easily understand someone being bored with COCC and BB, as I was bored with NFR!
  17. Much appreciated. Can you tell me how long, in your opinion, the best version is?
  18. Thank you---I'm comparing a few versions that claim to be HQ, but none actually sound like Misty's version in terms of clarity and crispness. There's a huge difference, so I don't think I've actually heard a genuine HQ version yet.
  19. You know, it's sort of like listening to Yma Sumac sing in Quechua on 'Voice of the Xtabay,' I have no actual idea what she's saying, but the feeling, the drama, the intensity is easy to understand emotionally, and respond and relate to, as millions did in her heyday. Or when, for example, Tori Amos would sing nonsense lyrics like "Tuna Rubber A little blubber in my igloo" in a song about a friend's suicide, but it doesn't matter, the sadness, the emotional meaning, comes through. So here, yes, whether the song makes strict lyrical sense with Lana singing it doesn't matter, what is necessary is present, and everyone can feel it and understand it emotionally.
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