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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. What would have been the reasoning for releasing both a 'Tropico' EP and either a Paradise EP or a Paradise of full album length after BTD? If for some reason Interscope scrubbed the idea of her releasing both within a year or six months of one another (or simultaneously), wouldn't Lana still have been able to release Paradise as a full album? I know, I know. Her brain does work in mysterious ways. I recall after UV's release, she said she wanted to "rerelease UV with different songs," which made no sense to me, and could only lead to confusion. Why not just release the "new songs" as a new album with a different name (like 'Honeymoon')?
  2. That’s when she ruled the world, before “the simple life, I chose this.”
  3. The unreleased songs from that era were, in my opinion, among her best. 'Forever Angels,' for example, is so powerful, confident, sweeping, and majestic--and yet really so simple in terms of the music and arrangement. 'Hollywood' is fantastic too. 'JFK' seems unfinished in the leaked version, but still moving. It's because of songs like those, and 'Bel Air,' 'American, 'Cola,' and 'G&M' that I found UV disappointing, especially with 'Black Beauty' and ''Is This Happiness' not officially a part of the 'regular' release.
  4. And it IS an American standard, even if from the second half of the 20th century. I like the Perry Como version best. Lana could really do a wonderful version.
  5. Plus the beautiful song, ‘The Shadow of Your Smile’ is from The Sandpiper, and I would love to see Lana cover it. By ‘Album cover,’ LFL means the cover album of American standards?
  6. What if they started making the vinyls for LDR9 right after BB dropped? Long-range planning?
  7. I feel she's definitely got at 1 or 2 albums completed that she could drop, and probably 2 more she's working on or polishing. It makes no sense to let them pile up; it's not as if she's at the end of her career.
  8. Oh boy. That's hilarious. What dedicated and needy little Stans we are. Thank you.
  9. Is there any hard or hard-ish news? What's all this about?
  10. I agree about what seems to be a little media teasing from Lana lately---is there a point, a purpose? If so, it can't just be for BR, which I am also fairly excited about. She's sitting on so many projects, it just doesn't make sense to not begin releasing them sooner or later this year, and she's in a good place in right now with the media, the public, and her fan base. The maturity shown on COCC and BB seem to have solidified her public position and finally impressed her critics that she's an adult and an artist, and not some kind of arrogant, anti-feminist hellion. Sadly, I also think that her more natural, relaxed physical appearance has pacified the envy of her critics (as if it were any of their business), though I'm sure these recent changes were certainly not motivated by that on her part.
  11. I'm with you, 100%. I'm not at all excited about a collab with Nicki, and I still don't quite get what Lana herself, alone, means by 'country,' since she said she thought both 'Ride' and 'Wild At Heart' were country-esque or potentially so, perhaps if produced and arranged another way. But country as it exists today is, to me, country pop, and not at all appealing. To me, most of it is junk and has been for three decades. What used to be called 'country' 70 years ago and before, today I call '21st Century Americana,' as practiced by the Cactus Blossoms, early Dylan LeBlanc, the Brothers Comatose, early Secret Sisters, Great Peacock, the Yellow-Bellied Sap Suckers and others. I listen to a lot of '21st Century Americana.' I'm also hoping for LDR9 and the covers album, but she seems to be imbuing the project with Nikki the most right now, at least more so than the covers album. I would also like a bigger sound and something new-ish and unanticipated. I loved the sound of 'Serene Queen' and would like to see her move in that direction. I'd really like to know what the songs cut from BB sounded like.
  12. Personally, I can't imagine Lana utilizing a "new sound" at this point in her career, at least not an entirely new sound. It's possible, of course. I doubt she'll 'go commercial' in terms of sound, like the anemic LFL title track, because she doesn't seem concerned with commercial success, just as some of the artists she admires, like Joan Baez and Joni Mitchell, never cared about it either. She didn't follow up on the 'Doin' Time' sound on COCC, though DT brought her a lot of airplay. I feel that whatever is in her mind, whatever she's feeling in the studio, whatever is resulting from her creativity and being gifted to her by her muse in the moment, that's what LDR9 will sound like, assuming it's 'new' material and not one of the side projects she's presumably got sitting on the shelf. But something calculated? I don't think so.
  13. Serene Queen; If I Die Young; Unidentified Flying Bill; Angels Forever; Hollywood; JFK.
  14. Ride, Old Money, Yosemite, If You Lie Down With Me, Violets For Roses. Unreleased: Serene Queen.
  15. And song titles like 'Marriner's Apartment Complex.' Yes.
  16. It's very possible she's waiting for 'the right man,' and perhaps she thought Clay was. A lot of woman don't want to actively have a baby with just any man. Of course, I don't know where her mind is on the subject of children right now, but she said, around the LFL era, that she wanted children.
  17. No one can accurately say Lana "doesn't want to work" after 2021, especially with 'WCE' dropping earlier this year, and 'Buddy's Rendezvous' on the way. We know she wants one or more children, and she's getting older, so the time is now. She's a Cancer--family is important. Maybe'll she'll adopt, but I don't see her going that route. Whatever comes next in her life, she'll continue to work, which she clearly loves doing. I remember she once said her muse was "achingly slow," which I've never understood, since she's so prolific. Even if she takes a break from recording, she's got the songs cut from BB, the covers album, the country album with her buddy, and she could also release the 'Unreleased' album. I don't think we have long to wait, and obviously, releasing two full albums in one year worked, more or less.
  18. Just a note to others in case others have the same problem, but perhaps because I had never accessed this thread, it was buried deep in 'Lana Thoughts' and not near the top. Thanks all.
  19. One reason I'm late to this thread is that I usually access LanaBoards on my phone, and I cannot find this thread using my phone. It's under 'Lana Thoughts,' but where after that? Got it, thanks all.
  20. You're right, I came to it late. I'm sure someone suggested the political meaning.
  21. To me, DNC means 'Democratic National Committee.' Isn't LDR a Democrat?
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