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Posts posted by wahyun

  1. I think leaks are harmless as long as the leaked songs are demor or scrapped songs (like r&r or the songs that were leaked in august)

    same, i'll be here begging for leaks? yes i will, but from songs that i know she's no longer working on it or scrapped/pitched and it's been released (i.e. tears & tantrums)

  2. like how have White Mercedes and other new tracks leaked in LQ??? They weren't even on the Drive???? 

    i don't get this either...


    what hurts her the most, i believe, are leaking the tracks that she's currently working on to put out or tracks she just recorded, like white mercedes that i believe had snippets leaked a few weeks after she recorded it, like... why??


    attention, better when you're gone, mona lisa, rain over london etc is somewhere in the hands of people that are not charli's nor charli's team, how??

  3. also the "interview": http://www.papermag.com/charli-xcx-pop-cult-2616598843.html?rebelltitem=41#rebelltitem41


    pop hell would be a nice title for xcx3 tbh

    "It's really soul-destroying, you spend all this time working in the studio and it gets taken away from you and put out to the world in a state that you don't really want it to be in," she says. "It's also damaging because maybe I was pitching those songs to other artists or I was maybe going to collaborate with another artist on one of those songs and now they don't want to do because it's online."



  4. thank u for clarifying. i've always seen countless blogs talking about SOPHIE as a co-founder of PC Music or one more artist of it

    they probably meant pc music as in the genre than the label, i mean, pc music wasn't a genre per se afaik but just like you know, indie, the term 'pc music' became recognizable as a genre bc the artists from the label like danny, ag, hannah were very close to sophie and they were always working together here and there


    ag is the daddy, sophie is the mother

    charli is the youngest kid that plays with her mom's pots and pans while given "allowance" from her dad

  5. You’re wrong! :P it was first played in A. G. and her Nylon set last summer, in a video that has been taken down. That’s where we first heard “Snaps” by Basside too, I believe. It was an amazing set.


    A. G. later played it at Lightning Lipgloss Live in Queens last September, without her. I was there, and that’s the most commonly circulated recording after the original Nylon one.


    A. G. also probably played it at his Asia shows summer ‘17, but as far as I know we don’t have enough info on those shows to know.

    I had no idea lmao ty  :deadbanana:

    so yeah, i believe it its ag's song featuring charli

    When do you guys think she’ll release the next single?! I think it’ll be in November or December

    maybe late december/early january

  6. it’s never been confirmed so we don’t know lol. It has been played by A. G. without her there physically but that doesn’t mean much.


    Also up & down never “leaked,” it was played in very good quality & we have a rip from Danny’s set at Sónar 2016 iirc. I think the only Danny leaks are the two versions of “Ponytail.”

    iirc and if i'm wrong please correct me but p4u has been played only twice: in the pop2 nyc after party and charli was there



    and then at pop 2 la after party and charli was also there



    so i honestly think that it's an ag song featuring charli

  7. Yeah IMO the only way for PC Music to make a relevant comeback would be to drop Vol 3. with all new music.

    If they’re smart they will include at least 2 Charli songs, like doesn’t Hannah usually get 2 songs per volume? Idk but I’m sure AG knows how popular Charli is by now, they’d be incredibly stupid to not include her on Vol 3.

    yeah, they need to include artists who worked w/ pc music producers such as brooke, liz, cupcakke, charli, noonie + of course hannah, gfoty etc

    gfoty main "problem" seemed like ag was taking too much of his time producing for charli and not for the label, she has made some feisty tweets/instagram stories about this but being subtle when mentioning names even though we all know who she is talking about


    i'm pretty sure if they are in fact releasing something, charli will be a big part of it somehow

  8. One thing I realized is that every PC Music compilation has really only consisted of already-released material...if you look at vols 1 & 2 as well as the Month of Mayhem comp, all the songs were released as singles beforehand.


    This makes the rumor feel less likely to me unfortunately, I don't see them just dropping a new comp out of nowhere. But on the other hand there's nothing ruling out P4U getting released as a single on PC Music first, then on a compilation later, so who knows

    yeah, i was thinking about this too, but i don't know, it's been a while since pc music had any releases, goty has been very vocal about ag not "producing" songs for her anymore and hannah has a lot of material but has yet to release it, same goes for felicita and also qt/hayden who has recorded a lot of songs with ag and sophie


    in the back of my head i still believe they are trying to make a comeback and can release vol 3 with all brand new songs

  9. if it was considered for release recently, doesn't it make more sense for them to release it on a pc music vol instead if charli won't put it on her release?


    P4U: one of her best songs

    party party: one of her worst songs



    P4U may started as a charli song produced by ag but things can easily change/flip around if they decide to release through pc music since it will become a ag song with charli on it and her name may even be "erased" as the feature (but we all know it's her) bc in the past, sophie, danny and ag did it with other songs of theirs.

  10. You should explain it better because after 1999 I am trying, like really trying to give her a chance because that song is so good. But everything I listened to is sooo bad. Someone praised the song "up n down" on this page so I looked it up. I found this.


    And I was like WTF? She literally sounds horrible and childish, like just awful. Do people really like this? She is not even a good vocalist. (not hating but people praise her so much and I'm like trying to "get it" but all I find is bad material)


  11. it's sad that my favorite charli song aka party 4 u it's not even a released song

    if it really come out i can honestly die happy


    they say music can touch people and party 4 u somehow does it for me, it may not be the most deep lyrically or the hardest on the beat, but somehow i feel so conected to this song, i would give my whole uni backup fund to promote it for real............. 

  12. i’m thinking of a charli song but i can’t remember the name (i think it’s her) all i can remember is something like ......zoom past the sun and ri-i-ide ri-i-ide. HELP!

    love gang?


  13. wm it's a different sound - from the usual - for charli and i honestly don't understand how atlantic possibly can't see it as a single or even as a album track, it's totally the opposite of charli's latest releases and it would show versatility AND vulnerability, something to throw off gp from the "party girl" image

  14. but now thinking about it, pc music (label) it's not doing so well, it's been a while since they had any major releases and it's been almost exactly 2 years since vol. 2 was released




    hannah has been teasing new music, ag was/is prepping for AG1, danny has been low key working here and there... maybe vol 3 is real and since i recall someone saying that ag's album would not feature vocals, i can see party 4 u in the compilation as the comeback of the label bc shit went down

  15. round & round makes me wanna start doing drag just so i can perform it at the club and give the gays what they deserve 


    watch me do it tbh  :teehee:

    yes bby do it!

    as a huge drag follower it gets me that next to zero queens performs charli songs </3

  16. no this was apparently a really good live recording with some equipment that was used near the stage.

    Definately not daddy knows hate that song

    well then... tumblr_m41aygNfBB1r15uyio2_r4_250.gif

  17. I legit haven't listened to 1999 for like a week now... sorry Charlotte I have failed you

    i was going through my phone and noticed that i listen to charli every. single. day. even if it's just once - which usually doesn't happen

    pop 2 keeps going strong (mainly bc of delicious, track 10 and lucky) and 1999 

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