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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. 4 minutes ago, baddisease said:


    Agreed. The Democrats should have primaried him and replaced him with someone with a) more charisma, b) less baggage, and c) more ability to hop on Trump and pin down his fuck shit. Biden might have been able to do c, but that was yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars ago. I don't want our President to be either one of those old men. Or Kamala Harris (I can't stand her), if Biden were to die in office or something.


    at least kamala harris isn't very old


    i honestly can't comprehend the fact that you're still allowed to run the country when you're EIGHTY (trump is 78 and biden is 81), obviously nothing against old people at all of course but at that point it will likely be too stressful and difficult to take on the task to be president, it's way too high-demanding, stressful and there's a lot at stake, somebody at that age is not going to be well-equipped to effectively handle that

  2. 51 minutes ago, Lanadelneigh said:

    Hi LanaBalkana


    This is exactly my point. Hence, I mentioned that I hope she is nice to Lana. Because some might argue that Lana also sounds the same in all her songs. So it was rather disappointing to see Nikki's reposting such a thing about Taylor.


    But let's hope it was well intentions and it was just a meme.


    Kind regards


    personally i find it to be the opposite of disappointing :seeit:

  3. 8 hours ago, Brooklyn Fetus said:

    me being here bc of ultraviolence 


    honestly ultraviolence doesn't get enough credit in regards to being a rock album, it can be a pretty intense and dark album at times, cruel world, ultraviolence, shades of cool, pretty when you cry, and flipside can all get pretty intense at times whether instrumentally, vocally, and/or vocally, brooklyn baby, west coast, the other woman, florida kilos and black beauty all have a classic-rock sort of feel, and more mellow songs like sad girl, money power glory, FMWUTTT, old money, guns and roses, and is this happiness help round out the album while still remaining strong and worthy tracks on the album, she really delved deep into a very unique, strong, and stormy sonic world, she just simply doesn't get enough credit for it

  4. 4 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Alright time to speak my truth… no tea no share towards anyone, but… 

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    I don’t get at all why is LB so hyped for Henry when everyone seems to hate Not All Who Wander Are Lost :stareney2: aren’t they similar and I can’t remember someone mentioning NAWWAL as a highlight from CoCC (which is to me)?

    when I first heard Henry, it thought was very minimal sounding and I was surprised you liked it so much (especially the bridge: it sounds like it’s an unfinished demo). And no, Henry shouldn’t be a single, even less a lead. Of all the songs she teased via snippets from previous releases, Henry might be the one I don’t like as much as TJF, HIaB, CG or CN. 


    Im sure we’ll get Henry. As I stated so many, many times before, to the exception of RBFY (which was written black on white in the caption), all the songs she teased with a snippet ended up on an album. 


    who hates not all who wander are lost? :adele:

  5. okay... call me crazy, but why do i feel like she's hinting at something related to lizzy grant? i got a strong feeling like that yesterday when i first listened to it... even the lyrics seem to hint towards that


    jesus saves, and i just worship reminds me of what she once said about how when she was younger, and not yet famous, she would just pray, because that's all she could do


    a thousand ways to get fame obviously talks about fame... perhaps about what she had to go through and experience in the process of becoming a singer and one day becoming famous


    back to the top, back to the basics back to the basics obviously meaning going back to the start... also a reference to the song back to the basics which was recorded early on in her career


    restart the tape, lake placid, baby restart the tape meaning going back to the very beginning (the beginning of her career) also, lake placid, duh!


    i don't really know what the actual purpose of this song would be if it were connected to something relating to lizzy grant and a possible release of that material... but i just have this feeling...


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