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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. 1 minute ago, Quincy said:

    Not to be the bearer of bad news, but the storms are accelerating and will be moving in within the next 15-20 minutes :crai:


    I take full responsibility for underestimating the speed of the storms, but I also foolishly thought the start time would have been an hour ago…


    what other forums can say they have their own METEOROLOGIST? :cryney2:

  2. 55 minutes ago, Future Jazz said:

    i don’t support it either when it comes to art pieces, but here it’s very different, it’s just something that will annoy taylor and make the grievances be known to her and maybe affect her plans. it’s just a way that regular people can make sure she directly hears about her use of a private jet being a problem, and it just gives the grievances a materialization! also i personally don’t see any problem with “vandalizing” a billionaire’s property when it’s just paint that can be washed away and their safety is in no way put at risk


    if she didn't care before, she most definitely isn't going to care now :tiffany:

  3. although i'm certainly not on taylor's side or anything, these kind of tactics do not really help the cause, i agree that sometimes protesters need to go above and beyond to get their point across... but vandalism like this just comes across as ineffective and cheap, ESPECIALLY when they were trying to vandalized works of art that people love like stonehenge and the mona lisa, i know their point is that there's more important things in life like our environment and our livelihood, but it's just really obnoxious and it cheapens their cause, people aren't going to be very happy about people trying to ruin a loved piece of art or monument regardless of their intentions


    not to say that taylor's jet is a loved and valued piece of art... it's just not an effective way of tackling the issue

  4. just can in here out of curiousity and all i can say is... :brigitte: imagine working with dr. luke in 2024 :brigitte:


    i listened to the snippet and it does sound really basic and autotuned to the point of sounding like it's sung by robot, she sounds like siri, also, i'm just so tired of very surface-level girlboss women's empowerment anthems that don't actually say ANYTHING of importance or ANYTHING different, it possibly being produced by dr. luke just makes it 100x worse

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