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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. is there a link to the website where it'll be taking place?
  2. ...where's the listening party? i'm so confused
  3. so what if she doesn't want what you would consider an "exciting life"? honestly if you're that bothered by her because she's not singing about the same exact things for a decade maybe just listen to her old music or stop being a fan
  4. it's a little ironic bc that's usually the track people DON'T LIKE from ultraviolence (if we're excluding guns & roses, which i'll never get why people hate it )
  5. i geniunely don't understand how anybody could rate ultraviolence 2/10 unless they had a personal issue with her i can understand that ultraviolence isn't for everybody, it's definitely not your typical alternative/rock album, it's filled with emotion, catharsis, melodrama, & experimentation, but i feel like a 2/10 would be for a record which is straight-up uninspired or completely boring, or geniunely bad, such as poor production or if the singer couldn't sing, the production of ultraviolence is gritty & raw, and lana's vocals aren't classical "perfect" vocals, but it's obvious she made a geniune effort, it's a major progression from the baroque-pop sound of btd & paradise, she tried something totally different and i think it suited her very well, and honestly, you can't say this album is a 2/10 when it has WEST COAST, that just doesn't add up
  6. ldr9 will be her synthwave serene queen heavy metal mermaid motel mike dean MASTERPIECE & the critics WILL BE SHOOK!
  7. i don't lana's screaming in dealer sound objectively bad, maybe it's not for everybody, but they don't sound bad, at least she was experimenting with her vocals, it's exciting, surprising, provoking, etc. if she sang with a quiet monotone voice she'd be criticized for that, sometimes you can't really "win" so you might as well do what you want to do
  8. i feel like if any other alternative female artist experimented like lana did with this album, with polarizing vocal styles, tempo-changes, "scream" vocals, & confessional, thought-provoking lyrics, etc. they would receive praise & acclaim, but when lana does anything that's not in the perfect little nfr "she's changed & she's happier now!" box she gets draggd & laughed at, people really need to forget about the lana del rey "image" which she was perceived as in 2011 and see her as the person & artist she actually is
  9. i'm already waiting for the meltdowns once fantano uploads his review at least we'll have meltdowns together
  10. i'm not ready for anthony fantano dragging the previously unreleased songs we all knew & loved, cherry, nectar, living legend, & thunder... this is 1 reason why i wouldn't want aka to be released, i don't feel like people would understand it and i would hate to see reviewers & critics hate on it or act as if it's just a plain old album with a bunch of "cheap" & "incohesive" songs
  11. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    dark but just a game vs. gramma (blue ribbon sparkler trailer heaven)
  12. summertime sadness demo 2/alt. final leaking out of no where, i remember feeling like it was so elusive before
  13. getting the "on & on & on pre-leak" thread from 30 pages to 100+ pages in like a day was such a fun & chaotic moment!
  14. i really hope we get another "leak season" soon, this year was pretty dry and there's so much that could be leaked, there's no reason why people are still hoarding laptop demos which were teased over a year ago...
  15. lust for life demo & freak like me was a treat as well! still some of my favorite demos!
  16. 30 tracks leaked in a two day span, october 4th we got neon palmmm, meth love, & ruby tuesday, october 5th we got a bunch of demos, like the affa demo, lust for life demos, the blackest day demo, as well as the paradise live concepts
  17. october 4th/5th 2020 FOR SURE obviously august 1st 2020 was ICONIC i'd also say december 24th 2020 when the trash magic demo & 4th of july leaked!
  18. everybody's entitled to their own opinions, but it would be foolish to say that somebody's not a true fan because they like the album, or try to say that it's a flop or a bad album because of how well it's doing in the charts/streaming, honestly this might be my least-favorite ldr album at the moment however, i can easily recognize & see that so many people love & adore this album, so many people feel a special & emotional connection to the songs from this album, and the album isn't doing that bad regarding charts/streaming, it seems like dealer is going a little viral on tiktok! i would never say somebody is a "fake fan" or anything like that because they love the album just because i have issues with it, we all have unique opinions & tastes, which is the beauty of this forum, some people really love her past work, some people are really digging her recent albums, some people really love it all, and even if you strongly prefer her first few albums, that doesn't mean you still can't enjoy them, even if you aren't a big fan of her recent work, as we all know, my favorite era is the "lizzy grant" era, and obviously that era is a long time ago and it's still very vague & mysterious, and obviously lana's musical style is very different than it was in 2007-2010, but i can still enjoy the music, the aesthetic, & the songwriting, it's okay to not like something, but please be mindful of others who do, saying somebody is a "fake fan" because they enjoy the album doesn't make any sense
  19. meanwhile i can let everybody know that yayo (aka) is the best song in her discography!
  20. as well as... "the sway of the hips & arms will cradle you from afar they swing 'till you're tired and send you to mars nighttime is almost ours" i completely cherish this work of art... <3
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