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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. 1 minute ago, Mer said:

    it’s actually “nah they have to stretch this as much as possible to make ad dollars off the 1.5hr of ad airtime :sideeye:


    she was SO right when she said it's all about money, honey... :eartha2: really getting TIRED of it................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... :tiffany2:

  2. 7 minutes ago, Crazy Husband Thief said:

    Sadly, I AM being forced to listen to her music and see her lizard face everywhere. It’s literally inescapable no matter how I try to block her or unfollow accounts that post her content on social media…

    There is so much payola, media paychecks from her in every damn aspect. It’s fucking annoying. I just want a year of peace and of NO Taylor Swift music.


    lol i HIGHLY doubt you're being FORCED to listen to her, honestly, if you're genuinely sick of her, try to stay away from social media or at least curate your feed more so that you don't have to interact with any content relating to her, because i don't often see much about her and i don't know what her recent songs sound like


    however, your hatred for her is honestly just really nasty to read, i don't really care for her as a person either, and i certainly don't like her for her environmental impact and how money-hungry she is, but you act as if she's a complete monster, but she's not, we have so much to be angry about in our world, and taylor's music really isn't one of them in the grand scheme of things

  3. 3 minutes ago, Crazy Husband Thief said:



    i'm not a taylor swift fan, and i'm sick of hearing about her myself, but nobody's forcing you to listen to her music or any of her albums :awkney: you'd be happier just ignoring her and not caring so much about what she does, you have the right to dislike her but the amount of hatred you have for her is excessive 

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