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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. 10 minutes ago, 5adboy said:

    You have a lot of sh!t to say to be a faceless profile on a Lana Del Rey forum. Guess what? People are still going to support her no matter what, they are still going to sing her songs, dance to her beats, and repost her memes; her legacy will live forever whether you like it or not. :lmao:


    and none of that changes the fact that she's a garbage human-being who consciously sides with the worst of humanity for literally no fucking reason except for the fact that she doesn't care, it's actually very shameful how morally bankrupt our society has become because ideally, most people would choose to no longer support her or perhaps choose to not listen to her music, you clearly don't care at all about the victims of her husband, her brother, 6ix9ine, and probably others honestly, you care more about somebody who doesn't know you or gives a fuck about you who peaked musically and artistically in the 2010s, somebody who's so insecure and pathetic that they feel the need to consistently tear down other women who they see as a threat, and, oh, is married to a RAPIST and surrounds herself with and defend PEDOPHILES, literally the WORST of humanity, is her music really THAT GOOD? (no)

  2. if you're siding with nicki in any capacity... you're gross! she's married to a rapist and surrounds herself with pedophiles, she's not a queen, she's a complete joke... having a several-day mental breakdown over ONE BAR

  3. i had a dream when i was young

    i dreamt our lives were going to be fun

    we were always waiting to live


    you have the choice to hear the noise

    or hear the sweet sound of your sweet voice

    i know i've heard it, i heard it in my sleep


    this is life, this tonight, peace in the quiet

    happiness is the sky




    :crying4: yayo also makes me cry sometimes as well 

  4. 10 hours ago, Xenoblade 3 said:

    Everyday, I’m happy that “Grandfather please” is a flop song. It’s good for humanity. She should not be romanticizing deep sea fishing.

    Deep Sea Fishing is bad. It’s dangerous. It’s bad for the environment. It harms the animal. Her father should not be fishing for sharks as a “sport”. She should NOT be promoting that on her albums. The song flopping is vendication mefears. People agree with me. 



    annoying people on twitter trying so hard to make her out to be problematic and to cancel her be like: 

  5. she really thinks that illumination entertainment is dropping a despicable me trailer to overshadow and sabotage the release of her upcoming song :brigitte: and not the shitty A.I single cover

  6. 5 hours ago, 5adboy said:

    Babe you are literally commenting on a Lana forum. The queen of underage relationships, the new Lolita, the “he hit me and it felt like a kiss” girl, the supreme of abusive and dysfunctional relationships… Like please, you sound like a hypocrite. Nicki didn’t even know her husband when he committed that crime and she doesn’t control her brother’s decisions. What would you do if your family member was an alleged r*pist? As fucked up as it sounds, these topics are common in today’s society, we are humans beings not robots.


    you clearly don't understand lana's music or her artistry in general at all, she does talk about dark, complex, complicated subjects in her music, but that's not the same as condoning them or romanticizing them, if you really think her talking about domestic violence and abusive relationships and possibly her experiences with them in her music is the same thing as nicki minaj being married to a rapist, you have a very incorrect and insulting view of lana's art and her as a person, you're no better than the annoying ass "fans" who think her music's all about cocaine and sugar daddies or her stupid coquette stans who still are romanticizing lolita in 2024, she's literally talked about being raped in a&w, and her music's so much more than just being about in a dysfunctional relationships, that's such a reductive and insulting view of her


    also, if my family member were a rapist or alleged rapist, i wouldn't talk to them ever again, let alone DEFEND THEM IN COURT, and just because they're "common topics"... whatever that's supposed to mean, doesn't mean we should be okay with them

  7. 8 hours ago, 5adboy said:

    The way Nicki is so untouchable, the only way to criticize her is bringing up a crime her husband did when he was 15 :toofunny:

    Meanwhile Megan The Big Foot has:

    1) Encouraged drinking alcohol to abort a baby 

    2) Called Cardi B a "dirty Mexican" before the WAP collab

    3) Lied on her deceased mother

    4) Had sex with rappers like Jay-Z, DaBaby, Pardison Fontaine, and many more

    5) Called her best friend's newborn "ugly"

    But of course when it comes to the greatest female rapper, she can't defend her family and gets accused of being on drugs...

    Also, the ones coming for her "big foot" bar clearly don't understand rap culture lmao. That line has multiple meanings, not just rhymes.

    People love to paint Nicki as the bad guy and honestly I'm here for that. You want the bad guy? Roman is coming today at 6pm EST


    he raped somebody at knife-point when he was 16-years-old, was convicted, and is literally a register sex-offender... it's definitely not some random mistake he made as a kid... not to mention the fact that she fully defended her brother when he sexually abused an 11-year-old girl, collaborated with 6ix9ine who assaulted a 13-year-old... AND intimidated her husband's victim... she's a disgusting person and you look like a complete fool trying to defend her, i find it so concerning how people would feel compelled to defend her just because they like her music or whatever... but thankfully most people are able to criticize her and recognize why she's in the wrong :awk:

  8. 1 minute ago, ComebacktoCalifornia said:

    Sry I don't mean like they were intended for which album like which albums "era" where they made during


    i suppose 2008-2010 could technically be considered AKA era since AKA as know it now was finalized at the start of 2008, but she kept working on ideas for it throughout 2008 and 2009 and finally released it in january of 2010

  9. 7 minutes ago, ComebacktoCalifornia said:

    I've seen some conflicting info so I was wondering if all smiles,bellevue,bikini gold,boarding school,Daytona meth,heavy hitter,Platinum Greenwich,So legit and super movie are from A.K.A or btd


    they're all just random unreleased songs from 2009 and likely weren't necessarily intended for any album, especially since most of these are rough demos

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