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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. 11 minutes ago, Escapism said:

    basically have been rewatching early spongebob and have been super obsessed with the soundtrack lmfao and one of my favorites as a kid is still nothing but a bop to this day.. like??



    anyway it’s also had me on a beach boys, hawaiian (and inspired) music, kali uchis, and lizzy grant extravaganza that regularly makes me wish i was in florida or hawaii sipping vanilla or cherry cola with a whole lotta ice despite it regularly being 0 degrees fahrenheit here  :glasses:


    you've gotta hear humpback hop (it actually just recently leaked and was previously lost media) it's so reminiscent of AKA lizzy grant or her 2009 bops :true: 



  2. 1 hour ago, lanaismamom said:

    wouldnt be daddy's girl, Pussycat Kittycat and be my daddy all 3 different songs:oprah7: and neon palm and heavy hitter:oprah7: since it's the first iteration of song that she later reworked into the studio song using some lyrics
    and roller dirby:oprah7:


    weren't daddy's girl, pussycat kittycat, and be my daddy all from the same session? we have a snippet of a rough demo of be my daddy that had to have come from the same session as daddy's girl and pussycat kittycat, but i would argue they could be different songs, at least pussycat kittycat could be


    neon palmmm is definitely an early demo of heavy hitter since it uses blockhead's instrumental concept and it shares a lot of lyrics


    roller derby is definitely also a demo for pin up galore, they're just too similar, and it isn't uncommon for demos to sometimes have different titles, especially with lana

  3. 35 minutes ago, Thats why they call me Dita said:

    I think some rumours derived from the joke FJM made at Hyde park about Lana getting it wrong when she write NFR about him, it was just a cheeky joke though.. but it was followed up with Lana using the visuals of him when singing NFR too


    he also had talked about trying to make it work for them to perform let the light in.. but “every time we get together we just end up spending hours talking about Jesus”.. which to me could read as an innuendo.. but I’m not religious so that’s just my mind being in the gutter 


    knowing lana she probably meant that very literally lol

  4. 3 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

    I have arrived!



    wait where is everybody?



    k afterparty at mine, all are welcome! :hooker:



    i don't know anything about breeding or hosting but i like holding footballs and hanging christmas lights around wooden poles! sure, i'll come! 



  5. 10 minutes ago, Lindsay Lohan said:


    I made the mikey / rob theory hehe i'm just throwing out possiblities 


    My main issue with it happening in early 2008 is that she was still in school and she just got a record deal, I don't really see why she would go to to Alabama suddenly especially right after she got permission to do half her classes online... it just seems off to me... She was also dating Reeve during that time. I think it's possible she coud have took a trip to Alabama in 2008? But that couldn't be for longer than a month because we have proof of her in New York City every month in 2008 minus those 3 months (Feb, Mar, Apr) but she was in her final year of university, I just can't see her leaving for 2 months during her final year to be in Alabama


    i agree, and i feel like it doesn't really match up with some of her songs which mention alabama/bill that were likely recorded before february 2008, namely trash magic and pin up galore, i believe it's quite likely trash magic was recorded in 2007 since the demo was recorded/put together in november, 2007 and seemingly the final version appeared on her myspace in january, 2008, and i suppose i always assumed pin up galore was 2007 like all of the other steven mertens recordings, but i suppose that was just an assumption, we know she has a tendency to get dates wrong so i would take the 2008 theory with a grain of salt, and she was indeed dating reeve at the start of 2008, and they probably were still together for a few months, he appears in the trailer park tour video/gramma version 6 and it doesn't quite look like winter out to me, i wouldn't be surprised if it was filmed in the spring of 2008, we know from screencaps she was wearing a tank-top outside, even though reeve was wearing a coat lol



  6. 1 minute ago, Lindsay Lohan said:


    This is also what I was thinking too, but I believe this whole thing would have happened sometime in 2005/2006


    If I had to guess what when out in a timeline I would do something like:


    Late-2005: Lizzy meets Bill and they start dating + Bill introduces Lizzy to Jim (his friend)

    Feb-Mar 2006: Lizzy goes to Alabama/Mississippi with Bill + creates her myspace under may jailer

    Apr 2006: Lizzy breaks up with Bill and goes back to NYC to become a singer

    Sometime in 2006: Lizzy starts dating Jim (I imagine it would have been on and off for the next 2 years)

    Early 2007: Bill returns from Alabama and it gets awkward birthing the song Get Drunk but they all remain friends

    Early 2007: Lizzy breaks up with Jim and instantly starts seeing Steven Mertens 

    Mid 2007: Lizzy moves into her own trailer in New Jersey but still friends with both Bill & Jim


    All hypothetically but this is what makes the most sense to me


    i like your theory about it all taking place before she started her music career, it would make sense with what she describes in i talk to jesus, but i also feel like it would be weird for her to claim it was 2008 when in reality it was 2005 (although we know she isn't really great with dates, even now since she recently described her relationship with artie levine (arthur lynn) taking place when she was 20, but they were together when she was 22)


    also, i saw a post theorizing that get drunk is about mikey martin and rob since those two were friends, and i feel like that's more likely

  7. 36 minutes ago, Elle said:

    Then even more theorising - perhaps she originally met Bill at her trailer park in NJ and he then relocated to a different trailer park in Mobile and she followed him there.. because if you think about it, how would she have known someone who lived in Alabama in the first place? She did note that Bill was a romance/friend in the NJ trailer park, and Billy from Mobile was her boyfriend. Perhaps she attempted to make the relationship work by following him to Alabama after he relocated there. Maybe he had family there or something and they had visited Mobile together in ‘07 prior to them both eventually relocating in ‘08, so she felt more comfortable moving there since she was somewhat familiar with the area.

    Again all speculation, just trying to piece together the timeline lol x


    i think your theory here makes sense because how would lana be talking about bill in trash magic when it was recorded before her time in alabama, i believe the final version is from 2007, and even if it's from 2008 (i now know she and steven mertens still worked with each other to some extent all the way until the end of 2009 because he played guitar during the canal room performance) it appeared on her myspace in january of 2008 which was before february 2008 - april 2008, could pin up galore possible be from 2008? dance at night back in alabama, christmas lights on my teal-green trailer :oprah7: although roller derby is clearly from 2007, so maybe she was still just taking inspiration from her new jersey trailer park, and perhaps she did visit alabama at some point in 2007 and perhaps visited a trailer park in mobile, we really just don't know, but, yeah, like i said yesterday in my sleuthing post i'm honestly proud of, the more we know, the less we know!


    honestly the thought of her actually re-locating to alabama on her own with a boyfriend to live in a trailer park just makes her whole trailer park darling image even more authentic to me, like, yeah, her family may have been more well-off by that point because of rob's success in the internet domain world, but she was still living all on her own out-of-state, i get what she means when she talks about trailer parks, fireworks, ice cream trucks, christmas lights, the sea... it just connects with me like nothing else...


    today's a good day to listen to trash magic, pin up galore, and i talk to jesus :flutter: 

  8. 53 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    But is it really a "genuine reflection" when people are just copy/pasting their friend and/or a well-known user into 10 different categories? 

    Asking people to only nom a given user in up to 3 categories would force them to consider which categories they most deserve and imo makes it more authentic

    It's difficult to make the argument that any single user could deserve more than 3 awards a year when there are 20k people on here (and at least 250 of those post a few times a week). 

    I think it should be about appreciation and acknowledgement, not ego stroking in the form of award sweeping 

    No one needs more than 3 to feel appreciated and acknowledged


    ETA: there is also a very clear and direct correlation between how active someone is and how many awards they get.

    The year I got 7 nominations and won 3 awards was the year I was on here all the time. The same is true for you, Surf Noir, and for other users such as LanaDelRey who swept the awards in past years.

    I'm not saying people didn't deserve their awards or that anyone is doing anything wrong by voting for popular users, all I'm sayin' is: is this what we want the vote to be based on (cos atm it kinda is)? Or do we wanna take steps to make people think more about who they're nominating?

    I mean it ain't that deep but I think it's worth consideration.


    i think we should advocate for people to take more time to decide who to submit nominations for in each categories so it's more diverse, it doesn't help that there's not really a list with the most active/frequently online users, something i face when submitting nominations is that i forget certain people and later on i'll come across somebody's post and realized i could've submitted them, it can be easy to just submit the most well-known users and whoever comes to mind in the moment, we do get a few weeks to submit nominations but i'm sure a lot of us do it right away, but perhaps it would be a better idea to take our time and to refresh our memories on a larger number of users so it leads to more diverse nominations, it makes sense as to why popular and well-known members end up being nominated, but there's many users here who are very much deserving of some recognition, but in my personal opinion, i don't really think there should be any restrictions, i feel like that'll take some of the fun and lightheartedness out of it, however, we really should encourage users to take their time to decide who they'll nominate, and to not just submit their friends (i'm guilty of doing that, but i wouldn't nominate them for things such as best username or hottest member if i didn't believe they were worthy of the category) or just submit the most popular/well-known users because it's easier to do so


    at the end of the day, it's just an online awards show for a niche internet community that doesn't actually hold any weight in real life, and i'd argue the most exciting and fulfilling aspect is just simply coming together, celebrating our community as a whole, and roleplaying as some sort of character, that's honestly my favorite part, i always look forward to roleplaying as lizzy lol

  9. not entirely lana-related or anything too significant or crazy, but interesting nonetheless...


    so, yesterday, i found myself curious about steven mertens' music, so i decided to search him on youtube, not much came up, one song called on ice which i didn't find too interesting honestly, and a music video for a song called no roof, now, if you watch the music video and listen to the lyrics (they're kind of hard to understand honestly :runs:) it may seem familiar to you...



    it features a girl wearing a wig walking around new york, the beach, and coney island, and not only that, but steven mertens sings the line lookin' like a calendar kitten which obviously she mentions in boarding school, now, you may look at the upload date (march 2nd, 2013) and assume it's a song he wrote about her, but if you look at the youtube channel which uploaded it, you'll see they also previously uploaded it on january 26, 2007, and i'm going to assume they didn't know each other yet, and even if they did, it was before she took on the coney island/new york/kitschy americana aesthetic around late 2007/early 2008, perhaps she took some inspiration from steven mertens' song and video because it's very lizzy-esque and this wasn't even her aesthetic at the time



    you can also see the original 2007 upload on a screenshot of his old myspace




    what led me to finding this in the first place was finding out (and realizing i was correct about) steven mertens was the guitarist at her october 22, 2009 show at canal room, by reading the information section on the thread about it in the early shows section



    i'm actually really surprised to find out he still worked with lana past 2007, i suppose i always assumed they only really worked together in 2007 and never really did past that, but i suppose i was wrong and he played at her shows at the least... it really seems like the more i know, the less i know! steven mertens performing a song mentioning calendar kitten while an old song of his featuring a girl in a wig frolicking around coney island and the beach also mentions it... it's literally all connected...

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