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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. 1 minute ago, mssainttropez said:

    I feel like we need a funniest member category. Only having one winner would be so hard, but I can think of a few users who would be in the running, lol x


    we 100% need a funniest member category next year, there's plenty of users who need to be recognized for their funny, crazy, and witty posts :true: 

  2. MPncBK9.gif


    happy birthday to my favorite album of all-time and the greatest album that was ever recorded <3 i will forever and always love and cherish AKA with all of my heart, AKA is just simply perfect to me in so many ways, i will probably never hear another album that i could possibly connect to the way i do with AKA, and i'm totally okay with that because i would never want to love any album more than i love AKA <3 i connect with AKA and the lizzy grant days in so many ways, i couldn't even go into it because i would be here all day if i did! i will love that period of time of her career and the wonderful music from it forever <3

  3. 2 minutes ago, Pretty On The Indide said:

    C'mon guys I've been nominated most years and have yet to win.......


    I know I'll a write an impromptu shitty schizophrenic freestyle poem to campaign!!!

    In honor of my impeding Self Loathing Poet ( and boy do I self-loathe.) loss................

    here is

    *crossposted to my blog*


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    by (Pretty On The Indide soon to be Bored Bannisters after the lipsters are over)

    Alas I know the wind

    facing down my craven back

    has visions upon my face

    legs back knees braced for

    impact my love i do digress

    I failed I waited I lost it

    I'm smitten


    If you could just see what

    you left of me last night

    I know you'd start to see

    the eternity liberty of what

    true beauty lacks but my

    hautness has to offer


    I believe in Jesus

    I believe in America

    I know I'm not long for the world

    but I have plans god willing

    for others


    Purify my mouth with

    your seed

    I pray


    That's it.

    That's the poem.


    And vote for me for Self-Loathing Poet.

    Or don't. Whatever. Obviously I enjoy being a loser.



    i voted for you :kiss2: arguably lanaboards' most prolific blogger :true: 

  4. 28 minutes ago, MakingOut said:

    i want this album to be about a woman who has 10 children but her husband left her for a man and now she has to take care of them while having 3 jobs while she lives in japan but her parents are from india so she can’t go back so now she is stuck on her own in a small town. it would such a lovely album concept


    4 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

    So the plot of Reba?



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