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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. ahh... GOOD MORNING lanaboards! what a beautiful, warm, breezy spring day it is (not really it's FUCKING COLD OUT) oh, the streamers? i was filming a music video last night for my smash-hit mermaid motel that went diamond the second after it was released... it's very tiring being a cult classic outsider artist myspace david kahne eccentric eclectic oceanic surf noir ICON! anyway... i'm going to have ice cream sandwiches and surf noir pop new york city platinum coney island myspace demos for breakfast!



  2. 6 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

    i hope a lizzy stan might help me in these disputes @Surf Noir @sparklrtrailrheavenmaybe you could know?:

    1. do we know what would be the more finalized version of the song, the one that we call Me and My Boyfrined or what we call Marilyn? and another question, if me and my boyfriend leaked performance is actually marilyn, and this is what we were told by reliable member, then what me and my boyfriend really is, since david himself confirmed the existance of the song by "me & my boyfriend" title, and he never referred to marilyn...
    2. there are 2 brite lites versions - 3:05, that is included in No Kung Fu EP, and 3:00, which was produced by Steven Mertens in 2008, but im confused if the 3:00 version was actually produced in 2008, and if its the actually the second made version out of these two? 


    1. i believe what be free said about me and my boyfriend and marilyn being the same song was mostly based on opinion, since they have similarities, in my opinion, they are separate songs, she just happened to include the same "marilyn, marilyn, marilyn, oohhh..." lyric/line from marilyn which you can hear in the live performance of it, in me and my boyfriend, but we can't say for sure what her intentions were for the individual tracks, maybe she decided to scrap marilyn and kept working on me and my boyfriend, or maybe she worked on both and they just happened to share lyrics, but i do believe they're separate songs ultimately


    2. steven mertens' version of brite lites, the rock one, is definitely most likely from 2007 just like everything else they did together, but i personally believe the acoustic version is the first version

  3. 4 hours ago, details said:

    i'm just gonna say i'm finding these tirades to be very misogynistic. babes that man WANTED to leave, HE was the one who left his family for another woman. sure, ariana is not innocent but she's not the biggest problem in this situation. some of you act like she had him at gunpoint and forced him to leave his family like 😭 no, he wanted to be with her in the first place 


    4 hours ago, Embach said:

    The whole "homewrecking" thing, it's imo very misogynist how everybody was blaming Ariana in the media while imo the most guilty one is Ethan (or whatever his name is), HE was the one who left his wife (and kids?), HE was the one who ruined it. That doesn't mean that Ariana's innocent but I do think that Ethan had a bigger role in this and the media is all quiet about him while blaming Ariana. Which is kinda hateful...


    no, it isn't misogynistic, ethan is absolutely to blame as well, especially since he is the one who chose to walk out on his family, but ariana still made the decision to be with him as well knowing he was married and had a newborn baby, people are criticizing her more simply because she's way more famous and people are going to talk and have opinions when a very famous celebrity does something like that, criticizing women for their shitty choices isn't misogyny, she literally befriended the wife and held their baby, she's in the wrong 100% and we should have the right to point it out


    also, people are definitely criticizing ethan as well and making fun of him, nobody's really giving him a pass

  4. 2 minutes ago, la otra mujer said:

    funny how many of you judge ariana for dating a married man as if lana doesn't have many song about being the other woman, writing things like "i know your wife and she wouldn't mind" and y’all eat it up, not saying that what she did is alright but the double standard.... ofc lana’s song r much better but it’s the same situation


    the song is basic and simple but it's not that bad, it's just a fun cute song. i was expecting some R&B tho I’m curious what the album will sound like


    ...there's a difference between singing about it, possibly as just a way to tell a story, and actually doing it, especially when the married man has a newborn baby


    people should not be willingly dating people who they know are in committed relationships, there's no way around it

  5. 7 hours ago, Elle said:

    Skdndks within the last couple of hours, Lana followed @idahoinmatepenpal on Instagram which is an account that features videos of inmates in Idaho prisons and information on how to write to them :toofunny: 

    This is so hilarious yet on brand for her x




    she is literally so funny and strange and weird and eccentric and iconic and cool and crazy and I LOVE HER

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