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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. I heard the bridge of Lolita in a YT video, and I was very intrigued by it's intense sound, so I looked up the lyrics and found the song, I already knew who Lana was but I wasn't a fan, I was pretty young at the time as well, I think I was 13. I was very captivated by how chaotic the song was, and her light and airy voice. I think after that I slowly started to discover more songs, I don't really remember how it started that much, I remember at one point I was really into Dark Paradise and Radio. I believe my first unreleased songs were Queen Of Disaster and Paris, I didn't care for Serial Killer at first so I wouldn't consider that my first unreleased song. Over time I slowly discovered more songs and my love for Lana continued to grow. I had a YT playlist that I would constantly update whenever I would find a new song or demo and I remember I listened to Ruby A LOT because I was so intrigued by it. Eventually I started using iTunes instead of Spotify because I wanted to have all the Lana songs I liked in one playlist rather than just her released songs. And I started to go through all of her unreleased songs to find ones I liked, which I will admit, it took awhile for me to warm up to some songs, but now I think I know what I like and what I don't. I feel like currently, I'm a huge fan and I'm so grateful to have discovered her music. I've never felt so connected to an artist and I think I'll have a special place in my heart for her, forever. 


    1. Ultraviolence

    2. Born To Die

    3. AKA

    4. Honeymoon

    5. Paradise

    6. Lust For Life



    2020 Update. This was difficult! 


    1. Lana Del Ray Aka Lizzy Grant 

    2. Ultraviolence

    3. Paradise

    4. Sirens 

    5. Born To Die 

    6. Honeymoon 

    7. Norman Fucking Rockwell 

    8. Lust For Life

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