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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. Can I just rant for a second? Not that I usually express anger on here, I want to keep myself as levelheaded as possible but shit.


    I'm more mad and disappointed than sad. I'm really unhappy about the fact that Billie had totally ignored Lana when we all know she's claimed that Lana was a huge influence for her, and didn't she say that Lana deserved the Grammy a while ago? Then she goes on stage and says ARIANA deserves it, which I thought was odd of course, Lana was sitting right there and she had the audacity to completely leave her out of it? I feel like she's not even that much of a fan. She's a young girl who has probably never been told no once in her entire career. Lana's been fighting for her right to create her art and be free with music and she's been doing it since 2004/2005. She's been through so much and it took her about 6 years to just break into the mainstream, and then was heckled and harshly ridiculed by critics because of ONE bad performance. I don't mean to sound like I hate Billie, I don't, but I'm just frustrated with this whole situation. Billie had won countless other awards just this night alone. She didn't need AOTY.

  2. I'm feeling a little melancholy. I don't personally hate Billie or anybody else attending the show that may be receiving more praise than I feel they deserve, but I guess it's just my own love for Lana that makes me feel sad knowing she probably won't win anything when she deserves it. I don't think that it truly matters whether or not she goes home with an award because she's still talented and a beautiful artist, but she deserves the acclaim and recognition, she's worked so hard just to get where she is today, she's created so much beautiful, unique, sometimes hard to understand, yet amazing work over the past 15 years. I just want her to have her shining moment, as a fan. 

  3. People will sell their own pain and heroin OD just to get those streams. I feel sorry for her but using sympathy on music's biggest night for streams is sick especially seeing how Kobe Bryant and everyone on that helicopter died today, including his 13 year old daughter. 


    i don't think she would risk overdosing on heroin and dying just to get streams

  4. I completely agree and if anyone comes with the pregnancy rumours because of her normal fucking physique, I will fight. Taylor Swift said just the other day how harmful those are to women, so take note, and don't do it.


    seriously!! it's so irritating when people think a woman is pregnant because she has a little bit of belly fat, nearly every woman has some fat on their lower stomach, we have organs in there! it sets such a weird and unrealistic expectation. 

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