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Everything posted by Jared

  1. I'm still shocked at how absolutely massive ''The Greatest'' hook sounds like. Are we sure Lana wrote this one herself or did she call one of Rihanna's songwriters like she teased in that BBC interview? Lol
  2. If her songwriting is as sharp as it was on the first few singles, yes. But sadly that doesn't seem to be the case.
  3. How To Disappear & The Greatest will join Video Games & Old Money as the most sublime and beautiful songs of Lana's career.
  4. The production sounds so immaculate, it's crazy. Just wow.
  5. Everything sounds great. except for those party, party dress lyrics. So fucking lazy Lana. smh
  6. Even from that little snippet I can tell why Jack said The Greatest is his favorite. Holy fucking shit.
  7. That's why Norman is going to be her best album. Because it sounds like a perfect follow up to Video Games that Born To Die failed to be in 2012. It just has that pure, majestic vibe that made Video Games so great.
  8. Can she delete Happiness is a Butterfly.and add this new one? I hope that's the plan.
  9. That and serial killer line are just parodic. Still holding out hope that she reworked those lyrics.
  10. Btw. in context of the album, Happiness could work. But she really needs to improve it.
  11. HIAB is going to be a stain on the otherwise perfect album unless she reworks it and changes those god awful lyrics.
  12. If the snippets are anything to go by, there's only one unnecessary song on Norman worth deleting and that's Happiness is a Butterfly. Hope is one of her better singles.
  13. Releasing AOTY right after Taylor's turd can only be beneficial for Lana.
  14. The Apple Music description of the album... hype levels are reaching dangerous territory.
  15. Where are those ''Lana should retire'' loons at now? Where the fuck they at?
  16. Because they don't matter and are the weakest links on the album. It should've been all Jack.
  17. I say drop the title track tomorrow along with pre-order and save the Fuck It I Love You/The Greatest double music video for the album release week!
  18. https://twitter.com/jackantonoff/status/1156673230922485760 August 30 is going to be a massacre. None of her other albums will be able to survive it (half of them are already dead).
  19. Here we go again with ''reworked album'' nonsense. Yawn.
  20. We're getting high quality music and visuals. This after all the shit Born To Die stans spammed the past few months. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  21. Next month we gonna be listening to Lana's magnum opus and we gonna be also cyberbullying Born To Die stans for all the shit they've been talking this past year. Should be fun.
  22. How incredibly dense do you have to be to come here and post that Lana should retire, especially after those 3 superb singles she's released in the past year? It's not Lana who should retire. It's her shallow, so called fans who put visuals, the way she dresses and styles her hair and nails and other irrelevant bullshit above actual music. They are the ones who should retire. The music is the only thing that matters. Everything else is a bonus/irrelevant.
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