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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Bad news for those who wanted Mariners, Venice & Hope scrapped from the album! Quality always wins.
  2. Trashing Hope... Trashing piano ballads Praying for trap album Wanting songs that don't belong on the album just for the sake of the charts and streams I see it's another typical day at the boards.
  3. Heavy production, visuals and aesthetic + huge sales = automatically better, superior music Piano/minimalistic production, lower sales = worse/inferior music These are elementary grade level arguments that y'all throwing at me.
  4. Norman has decimated Born To Suck and Lust For Mediocrity a long time ago. Only Ultraviolence and Honeymoon stans get to participate in best album discussion (but not for too long because in two months Norman will be officially crowned as her best!)
  5. Lust For Life is mediocre, but there is nothing from Norman so far (and we have a lot already) that points to another Lust For Life mediocrity. In fact, the difference couldn't be more stark. That's why both fans and her harshest critics think this is shaping up to be her best album yet.
  6. I happen to think Norman is a culmination of the Lana Del Rey persona. Perfected formula. An album that many expected to come after Video Games, but took some years to form. And a few noticeable recycled lyrics strike me more as a nod to that persona than straight up laziness.
  7. Is that "Born To Die is Lana's best album" person who quoted my post? I must have hit a truth nerve. Anyhow, can't wait for Lana to release Norman, her best album to date.
  8. The latest snippet further confirms that Norman will be her best album to date. I wouldn't mind if she scrapped few poppier tracks (Cinnamon & In Your Car) so that "why another piano track, we want drums, scrap this album" crowd could have some more meltdowns. I love how she wrote that she loves all songs she put out over the last year...such a slap in the face to those who spent days in here fantasizing about her scrapping the album for more drums driven, Doin' Time influenced music. hahahaha
  9. I don't even have to hear the whole album to know that Jack will be the best! Emile will forever remain the worst.
  10. None of the previous albums will matter when Norman finally arrives. Norman will make them completely irrelevant. It will be head and shoulders above the others.
  11. I stay positive that by August (at the latest), we'll have Lana's best album in our hands. Can't wait!
  12. Jack produced an album that is about to be Lana's best and most acclaimed work to date. There's a huge possibility they reunite in the future; hopefully on follow up to Norman Fucking Rockwell.
  13. Whatever is going on behind the scenes, I hope Lana isn't going to budge... not even one inch. Even if it means us not getting an album this year.
  14. Right. There are songs that are big on Top 40 radio, songs that have way more budget than Lana's and that have less views than Venice Bitch, Mariners Apartment Complex, etc. If you don't believe me, just google very recent Top 20 radio hit Undrunk by Fletcher and compare its views to recent Lana singles. Now that's what you can call a flop. People will write articles calling Taylor Swift latest single a flop yet if Lana did 1/4 of her numbers, it would be considered Thriller success for Lana lol. Not all artists operate in the same sphere under the same rules. Not all singles and albums are intended to do the same thing.
  15. Posting snippets of songs on instagram/social media is a simple yet one of the most effective ways of promoting/hyping up your music. I think her posting all those snippets was a great move from a marketing perspective. I saw one Cinnamon video (that is now deleted) that had 1 million views just on YouTube. That's huge for an album snippet. So I think that's great and will pay off when she releases the album.
  16. They were never intended for mass consumption, and the album most likely isn't either, it's time to accept it. You can throw the word flop around all you want, it doesn't really mean anything because Lana doesn't operate in that particular sphere where that word would actually hold some kind of meaning.
  17. So many of the former indie artists and bands are now signed onto big labels and are able to release albums without sacrificing their artistry. And they don't pull in nowhere near same amount of $$$ that Lana does. The fact that some of you actually think stuff like radio and shit matters to Lana or even Interscope at this point is hilarious. Lana even tried to tell you in the interviews but y'all refuse to listen. Lana has been honest with Interscope since the day 1 and I think Interscope has learned what to expect from her after all these years. I wish some fans would too.
  18. This is the argument of a 1st grader. Kinda sad.
  19. Your daily reminder that fans who are speculating about Lana scrapping and re-working the album are just projecting their own hopes onto Lana because they don't like the direction of the album!
  20. Some of you wanted the album scrapped the moment y'all heard the first songs. Y'all ain't fooling nobody. Just admit you don't like the direction she's taking and move on. The album will be released and it will be her best yet. And y'all will just have to deal.
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