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Everything posted by Tristesse

  1. Andy Davis has a song called "Fine China" that's why he appeared there out of nowhere, so it seems legit
  2. It really sounds like an unreleased song, it's catchy and boring aswell, that's not a bad song but I'm no hyped nor excited anymore. It's definitely not what I expected from this after I heard Honeymoon which is for me one of her best songs. I'm really confused about what the whole album is going to sound like, the two songs we heard from it have nothing in common...
  3. What the fuck is going on with you people. Stop crying "mess" at every goddamn thing that she makes (or doesn't make), she is an artist, she is no industrial product. You have nothing to demand
  4. I think Krug did not only capture the Ultraviolence vibe but a whole sense of aesthetics that they both share, I feel their art connected beyond this record only. Moreover I'm wondering how you can tell if Krug's work would fit Honeymoon when all we have is two snippets ; and to my opinion it absolutly would. We'll see but I really hope that they keep working together as the result always marvels me. Whereas Nodland's photographs are... meh. Vapid, to me.
  5. how can I delete double posts tell meeeee pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase
  6. It sounds so psychedelic, I really can't wait anymore to hear the record
  7. Your post is perfect. Ultraviolence is by far my favourite album of hers. Thank you
  8. Auerbach doesn't know anything about it. He just thinks. And didn't even mention Haynie.
  9. I really am excited for this album. "Futureretro" gets me thrilled. As I was for "Future Jazz" even tho Ultraviolence wasn't exactly what I expected from theses words. We'll see.
  10. This one is not pitched, I think :
  11. Merci Pourtant tu ne sais rien de mes gouts musicaux à part Lana :> Et, non, je ne reconnaitrai pas la puissance de MPG, puisque je ne la saisis pas La plus puissante est Cruel World pour moi, qui est très loin de me laisser indifférent. Chacus ses goûts. <3
  12. Elle m'ennuie franchement, encore plus que Guns and Roses, qui me tranquillise. Je trouve MPG trop répétitive, trop plate... Enfin bref, chacun ses goûts hein :v:v:v Ne me lynche pas je suis bien trop jeune pour être souillé
  13. Money Power Glory doit être la chanson que j'aime le moins de tout l'album *lynchez-moi owi* #unpopular
  14. Coucou compatriotes, je viens de découvrir ce topic ô combien intéressant. Et le marché du football est à éradiquer, je suis d'accord avec vous <3 <3 <3 J'aime bien le concept de discuter en français ici surtout que je suis bien plus à l'aise qu'en anglais (ça doit être la raison pour laquelle je suis toujours là mais je ne poste que très rarement). Bref sinon vous ça va ? Tranquille ? Vous vous enjaillez tous sur Ultraviolence ? :v
  15. He's playing snippets we already have. End of the meltdown please :v
  16. It has been removed from the Universal website
  17. https://www.facebook.com/lanadelrey/posts/736420959733690
  18. people who have pro-ordered it saw that it will be delivered on the 16th of June
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