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poetic jess

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Posts posted by poetic jess

  1. Listen to the blackest day instrumental it’s incredible

    See, that’s a perfect example of the problem I have with the production on Honeymoon. TBD sounds beautiful in the beginning and it has elements of other songs (like Art Deco) that make it sound consistent, but then those trap beats kick in and it feels like a demo when I hear the instrumentation alone. Rick has produced some great songs for her, but on other tracks on Honeymoon and LFL (on Honeymoon especially) I’ve always felt there was something lacking.

  2. When officially released, will y’all be listening to the album from beginning to end or choosing the songs you anticipated the most? I know I want to listen to it from beginning to end, but I might not help myself and might listen to my most anticipated songs.


    Also to the people that have listened to the album already, do you feel like the tracklist makes sense in its official order or will you me rearranging it to your liking and what you feel makes more sense? If so what would that look like?

    I’m going to listen to it all the way through and in the correct order. I think it flows well and listening to Hope randomly this week, I decided it’s a good closer. You really appreciate the subject matter more when you hear it with the other songs. I feel like Hope is Get Free’s slightly cynical sister, but she’s more realistic in her positive outlook in life. Don’t know if that makes sense... lol

  3. WTH why were they banned? I loved @movebaby’s posts! I swear, I’ve read worse things posted by other members and they got a slap on the wrist. What did they do to get banned?


    Btw, I completely understand where you’re coming from @LanaFlowers. What makes it extremely bittersweet in my case though is the music quality has won me over to get the album. It truly makes sad that this album gave me what I wanted for LFL = a different producer to push and inspire her, a cohesive tracklist, an album cover matching what I had envisioned when I listened to the songs, the playful and interesting vocals to come back from previous albums... And all that has become background noise to the unprofessionalism from her team and her lack of enthusiasm for this project. Yes, she made a double music video, but what happened to the “video projects” that were done with Chuck? And those videos have been delayed too. Did we forget the recycled footage with MAC and VB? The conflicting information? The recent autograph card they’re selling for this album (it’s sketchy, let’s be honest)? Even Jack wasn’t up to date with changes being made. It really crushes my mood thinking of all that, but alas... I just want the damn album in HQ and be done with it.

  4. All this speculation about her drug usage is gross and shouldn't be entertained, regardless of where you sit on the issue. It's one thing to have an opinion, but some don't need to be verbalized ESPECIALLY when a majority of users on here are young and probably don't have any real life experience dealing with a drug addict or alcoholic, standing by them during recovery and feeling helpless as they relapse.


    I get it, you're concerned for her because we want her to be here and continue making music, but the speculation is going too far. This isn't a dig at anyone, just a passing thought after seeing how the tone of the thread has changed in the last few pages

    I mean how young are we talking about here? I’ve been aware of drug addiction since I was a preteen since it was present in my family. People are talking about addiction more now because it shouldn’t be taboo to talk about these issues. People have their personal issues, and mental health is usually tied to it. We should build a conversation around it, be empathetic, understanding and help when it comes to sobriety for people who suffer from it, no? I mean if whoever’s reading these posts are too young to understand it they shouldn’t be listening to Lana’s music in the first place. lol

  5. At what point will someone on her team grab the reigns from her? Obviously, Lana’s not good at promotion. Also- why does almost every project she works on with Chuck- who is directing it or Lana has her acting in it, the visuals turn out to be delayed (TG/FIILY), partially released (MAC/VB/UV/MTWBT/Freak) or never released (HIAB/Cherry + that one behind the scenes photo they posted on IG)?


    Edit: with the exception of Tropico~ I think Chuck had a small cameo in it.

  6. okay so Lana sang at Kanyes wedding and low key drags him, do you think the kardashians will come for her??????????


    the song is iconic, I know I will support her thru anything.

    They’ve already tried dragging other celebrities who they ended up not being on good terms with, but they’re getting more backlash for it because people are starting to see through them and Kim and her sisters were in the wrong. They could try, but it’ll probably be thrown back at them- like even though I’m not a fan of TS, this could be a taste of karma for Kayne name-dropping Taylor and putting a naked wax-figure of her in his creepy music video. So neither Kim or Kanye can say shit, really.

  7. Honeymoon deserved an intimate venue type of tour where she didn’t have to “perform” on stage and just be creative with her vocals by herself. Like the way she performed Terrence Loves You, she takes a seat, belts and gets into it during that song. The stage set could’ve had the same color theme as the Endless Summer Tour, but smaller, indoors, and would make the audience feel like they’re in a jazz club. Ugh... what could’ve been...

  8. Are YOU okay? This was finished pages ago, but go ahead, keep bringing it up!

    I’m just catching up because people kept ranting and raving over people having opinions. I’m busy with my fucking life so I’m sorry I can’t keep up with this damn thread. And also, I’m fucking tired of people misconstruing what people say and decide to end it without taking accountability for what they’re doing. It just boggles my mind how some of you are putting words into people’s mouths when they don’t 100% kiss Lana’s ass.

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