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poetic jess

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Posts posted by poetic jess

  1. I don't know what this dude's source is so he could just be talking shit but he says he was told Norman Fucking Rockwell was postponed for Billie fucking Eilish I-https://www.showbiz411.com/2019/08/26/snl-releases-some-hosts-music-acts-for-fall-newcomer-billie-eilish-17-chosen-over-taylor-swift-29-for-season-opener

    “I’ve been told”, but by who? Mmm, I won’t believe it until there’s a legitimate source or Lana herself saying it.

  2. what is everyones favorite and least favorite track off nfr theyve heard so far and why? im genuinely interested to hear what different people think.


    venice bitch is probably my favorite because its so soft and warm, the instrumentals are so peaceful and unique. it really reminds me of fall because I used to listen to it on my commute to classes last fall and I was very content with my life at the time. I love how long it is, I always play through the whole song when im driving and dont feel the urge to switch it.


    hope is probably my least favorite that ive heard so far, although I still love the song. theres nothing I particularly dislike about it, but I dont really get some of the lyrics. again, no shade on hope, we stan.

    VB is definitely an amazing track for long drives and scenic views. Stellar. Even though I love almost all the songs, California is currently my favorite and I can’t wait to hear it in HQ. My least favorite is Love Song atm. I’m going to give it another chance once it’s in HQ quality obviously, but I think it’s the first track by Lana that kind of... underwhelmed... or bored me? Idk we’ll see.

  3. sorry if this was discussed in depth back in 2014-15 but is FMWUTTT about anyone in particular? Who was impersonating her at the time? I don't think Taylor had done it yet, and Halsey was like completely unknown then or only had her song Ghost which is nothing like Lana.

    Some people speculated it was Lorde since she criticized her back in 2013 saying that Lana’s music wasn’t good (in terms of self-image and perception of how relationships are supposed to be) for young people to listen to. Then a year later, when Lana is asked about FMWUTTT she says in Grazia magazine, “It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. And now she’s acting like I am the art project and she the true super artist. My God and people actually believe her, she’s successful! I shouldn’t continue ranting, it doesn’t get anywhere.” So people were connecting the two, but they had so many other theories because people heard her influence in songwriting in up and coming artists during that time and the lyrics are so vague tbh. Funny that you mention Halsey- I heard she criticized Lana in an interview (can’t find it or remember when) which I found ironic because before then she used to make it obvious she was a fan (singing covers of Lana’s songs before she got famous) and you could hear some influence when she released her first album (some lyrics and the production) and she’s also been accused of ripping off other people. I think even Sky Ferreira shaded her for Ghost- or maybe that was more shade @ the label because she kind of implied they were trying to market someone more marketable to replace her. But overall- back to the song- who knows who it’s about...

  4. Okay, so I'm unsure of where to post this- but maybe I'll just start the discussion here:


    So, I was watching this video about Robyn- her career and influence in the music industry (a really good video, I recommend watching the whole thing!). Interesting information came up concerning the artists who work with Max Martin (Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift etc.). Apparently there were times where artists would come to producers asking them to help them sound like her. You can listen to that part starting at 16:25... https://youtu.be/A37w5qcShyM?t=985


    This one producer Robyn was working with said, "So whenever I have a female artist come into my studio, they usually put your album on the table and they're like: 'I wanna make this!'" The guy who made the video then explains how songs by these artists sound like a "diet version" of Robyn's songs.


    So yesterday, I kept reading a lot of comments not only here but on other forums saying that Taylor Swift's new songs sound a bit more like something Lana would have written or sung. Now, I'm bringing this up here because I don't want Swifties on my ass- it's just a theory... :raven: What if this isn't a coincidence? What if what happened to Robyn is happening to Lana to a certain extent? I mean, she is getting more recognition now but artists who sound a bit too familiar to her music style has been a nagging not-as-spoken-enough issue for me for quite a few years now. What if Lana's style of writing, singing, producing is being intentionally implemented into Taylor's music? Idk where I'm going with this, I mean obviously FMWUTT shows that Lana is aware of some artists who secretly try to steal her style and it bothers her. But I wonder how'd she'd feel if this was happening behind the scenes by a fan of hers (Taylor). And yeah, granted Taylor’s also working with Jack but I feel like this issue preceded his work with her (Wildest Dreams anyone? which was also produced by Max Martin :derpna: )

  5. I don't get why people place so much values on reviews / the scores of critics. To me they just give an insight to how the general public perceive her. I think it was the billboard article that pointed out it was somewhere between honeymoon and lfl that they started warming to her and started to 'get' her.


    NFR will get good press, probably even great press, but let's not forget that her metacritic score for LFL is 15 points ahead of her metacritic score for BTD and 3 points ahead of her UV score. I'm glad she's getting well-deserved recognition from an industry that's treated her so poorly for so long but reviews, even good reviews, aren't the be-all and end-all

    I tend to see it as more good promotion for the album, and maybe a higher chance at winning an award. Like the more praise she receives, the more recognition and awards she receives, and that to me means more respect in the industry.


    Btw when she mentioned it’s so much easier now to do her work because of how eclectic artists are now and they don’t have to be talked down to when they release “sad” songs, I wish Annie explored that more and mentioned she contributed a lot to that progression. But hey, I feel like with the more positive criticism she gets over the years, it’s a step forward in receiving the credit she deserves. It’s not the end-all, be-all but it definitely helps.

  6. so many people will hate me for this but it must be said, taylor swift is lowkey copying lana, especially on 'miss americana' and the 'daylight' outro

    I have this theory on Taylor concerning that, but I’ll save it for the Random Discussions thread~ but back on topic- of all the beauty that comes from the music video, I’m so obsessed with the neon eyeliner she’s been wearing. I could never pull it off but I love it! I’m really loving the use of color for this album.

  7. This sounds so shitty sorry not sorry


    Should have replaced the words with different words instead of leaving blanks

    It does, like they couldn't have her rerecord a censored version if she wanted it as a single?


    Also, I know it's been said to death, but god damn these promotional decisions, girl... She's coming back next Tuesday to talk about the album- but why next week? Why are they stretching it out? This could've all been said, done, and released last week.  :judgingu:

  8. ...is he wrong though?

    Seeing those posts brought me back to those Facebook days where people thought posting the long ass disclaimers- “FB (or any other app), please don’t use my information!” -would actually make them exempt from whatever changes they were making. If that were the case, really unfair for most people who never see these disclaimers to repost them. Also Byron reposted it too, but at least he said “just in case”... so he knows it does nothing?... but... lol still, I thought it was common sense that those posts have as much power as those “one like = one prayer” posts. Lmfao

  9. Just watched the music video and

    I’m so disappointed. Like it’s just some pretty clips of her singing. No actual story, not even her interacting with anyone else at all, it was all teased in the album trailer and the ig teasers posted yesterday. Even LFL was more entertaining to watch. It’s definitely her worst music video from Rich.


    Thanks for your honest take. This was my worst fear, but at least I know what to expect now. lol

  10. 1. Bel Air 

    2. Music To Watch Boys To

    3. Cinnamon Girl 

    4. Yayo

    5. Cherry

    6. Video Games

    7. Brooklyn Baby

    8. Lucky Ones

    9. West Coast

    10. Venice Bitch (+ meets fans during instrumental break)

    11. Backfire/Wayamaya/Paradise/Hollywood (any one of these unreleased tracks/she could play a different one at each show to change it up a bit)

    12. Fuck It, I Love You!

    13. High By The Beach

    14. Doin' Time

    15. Million Dollar Man/Is This Happiness/Norman Fucking Rockwell (piano medley) 

    16. Shades Of Cool

    17. Terrence Loves You

    18. The Greatest

    19. Heroin

    20. California

    21. Looking For America

    22. Get Free

  11. UV=NFR






    This is the Lord’s truth and I only deal with the facts I’m dealt with :hooker:


    Anyway, one more day till Lana drops her best MV since SOC. Ugh it looks so good.

    Omg yes @ the ranking! I’m hoping the music video is on the same level as her best too. Still laughing at the fact that she disregarded MAC’s and VB’s videos as the first. Lmao 3 singles and 11 months later, we’re finally getting some good visuals for this album.

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